Backpack News

Monday, February 20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Holiday
Thursday, February 23 Lifetouch Spring Pictures (No Retakes),
Engineering Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 25 SSPP School Choir to sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass
Sunday, February 26 8th Grade Retreat
Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday
Thursday, March 2 Adoration at 1:35 p.m. Grades 5-8
Friday, March 3 Stations at 1:40 p.m. Grades K-4
Saturday, March 4 First Communion Enrichment Day 8:45 a.m. to noon
Monday, March 6 NO SCHOOL – Casimir Pulaski Day Holiday
Wednesday, March 8 Papa John’s Pizza Night
(SSPP gets up to 20% of your order! Buy Scrip too!!)
Thursday, March 9 Adoration at 1:35 p.m. Grades K-4
Friday, March 10 Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass,
Stations at 1:40 p.m. Grades 5-8, End of 3rd Quarter

Good News for Next School Year (2017/2018)
As we plan our future at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic School, we continue to focus on forming disciples of Jesus Christ, providing opportunities for faith formation and academic excellence…in short, developing the hearts, minds and souls of our children and their families.

Many exciting and new prospects are presented during this time of change and transition.

One very positive note is that for the next school year (2017 / 2018) the financial commitment from families will remain the same. The only difference is that the fundraising amount currently required will be included in the financial contribution. No more tracking dollars, no more confusion or surprises.

Example: Currently, tuition for one child is $3,200 + $250 in fundraising = $3,450
Next Year (2017 / 2018) for one child $3,450

In order to continue to provide a quality experience and keep your contribution at this rate, family engagement and support of events and activities is still a very essential part of our school life. We truly need your help moving into the future. With the involvement and support of your family, friends, ideas and participation, we can continue the great traditions and create new ones here at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic School.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Packets came home last week. This is a voluntary Fundraiser! Sale starts Friday, February 10 and ends Friday, February 24, 2017. You will receive 30% back on every $1 spent to be used towards the fundraising portion of your tuition. If you need additional order forms, contact the school office.

Chess Club News
Last day for Chess Club will be Monday, February 27, 2017.

Results of Class Participation Contests:
Winner of Pizza Party for Glo Bingo Participation is 6th Grade.
Winner of Pizza Party for Box Tops is 1st Grade.

ANY parent/guardian who may coach, want to be a field trip chaperone, classroom helper (room parent), playground supervisor or lunch helper MUST complete the Protecting God’s Children program plus have a Background Check processed. This is in accordance with the Safe Environment policy of the Springfield Diocese. Background checks are renewed every 5 years.

These upcoming sessions are listed on the diocesan website (, under Safe Environment Program.
St. Paul, Highland, 3/2, 6:30-9:30 p.m. St. Mary’s, Alton, 3/21, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
St. Paul, Highland, 4/6, 6:30-9:30 p.m. St. Paul, Highland, 5/4, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Trivia Night March 11
Please plan to participate in the Annual School Trivia Night on Saturday, March 11 in the school gym. $100/table of 8 or $15 per player. We will have prizes, raffles and 50/50. Turn in registration to office marked Trivia Night. Contact Amy Smith with any questions.

St. Louis Blues Ticket Raffle
Chances are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00. Drawing held at SSPP Trivia Night on 3/11/2017. You do NOT need to be present to win. See insert in Friday Folder. Turn in to office marked Blues Ticket Raffle. More available in office or contact Amy Smith by Fast Direct.

Volunteers Needed – March 11 Trivia Night
We need YOUR help to make our Trivia Night fundraiser a success. Please contact Amy Smith if you are able to help. Here are a few examples of the roles where you can help:
1) Emcee for the night – We are looking for someone who would like to be on stage leading the
activities and reading the trivia questions
2) Judges – 3 or 4 judges are needed to score each round
3) Set-up and decorations – plan decorations and set up
4) Raffle ticket sales – volunteers to sell 50/50 and raffle tickets before and during the event
5) Tear down/Clean up – take down tables/chairs and clean up after the event
6) Make/donate raffle items
7) Contact sponsor for donations

Office Stationery/Envelopes
Please keep SSPP in mind if your company or any other businesses that you are aware of is getting rid of any office stationery, envelopes, etc that can be of use for our school. Thanks!

SHOPWITHSCRIP.COM SSPP Enrollment Code: Contact LouAnne at 618-344-5450.

The school office carries a variety of scrip cards and can order almost anything. Go to or for the complete list. The school receives different percentages back on each card purchased. If you know you’ll be shopping at a specific store (ie shopnsave, etc) or dining at a specific restaurant (ie olive garden, etc), or paying your store charge (ie kohl’s, etc), please think about purchasing them from school. Thanks for your support!

If you don’t have one, contact the school office and we will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout – That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?

Amazon Info
If you shop at Amazon, please use the website and select SS Peter & Paul as your charity and SS Peter and Paul School will receive a percentage of your purchases.

Hornet Socks for Sale
$1 a pair, First come/First serve. Stop by the office to see the selection.

All School Picture
Only 3 pictures left from the Auction! 11X17 colored print taken in Church with the entire school. $20 each. Stop by the office to purchase.

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Trivia Class Participation Points, March Lunch Menu, Buzzy Wear, Band Schedule, Blues Raffle Tickets