Submit your registration information and fee to the office NOW.
Friday, April 13 Glo Bingo is tonight!!
Saturday, April 14 Mani-Pedi Day (Party Central Event from Auction)
Tuesday, April 17 7th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, April 18 3rd Grade Field Trip
Thursday, April 19 2nd Grade Field Trip
Tuesday, April 24 Family Reading Night & Book Fair 6:30-8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 25 4th Grade Bake Sale, Student Council Dress Down Day (info below!)
Thursday, April 26 5th Grade Field Trip, Engineering Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 28 Buzzy Dance Camp 9 – 11:30 a.m., Young Authors Conference,
School Choir will sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass
Monday, April 30 Kindergarten & 1st Grade Field Trips
Tuesday, May 1 Spring Fine Arts Festival 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 2 First Communion Rehearsal 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 3 4th Grade Track & Field Jamboree
Friday, May 4 Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass, May Crowning 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 5 State Solo & Ensemble Contest
Sunday, May 6 First Communion 1 p.m.
Monday, May 7 Preschool Field Trip
Tuesday, May 8 Blessing of Sacramentals after 8:15 a.m. Mass May Rosary 1:45 p.m.
Wednesday, May 9 Papa John’s Pizza Night, Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Thursday, May 10 Last day for 8th grade, Preschool Ice Cream Party 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 11 SSPP Golf Tournament
Monday, May 14 Graduation 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 17 Last day for Preschool
Friday, May 18 4th Quarter ends, Last day of school
March Student of the Month: Piety
K: Tiden Beiser, 1: John Palmes, 2: Layla Lyons, 3: Allyson Roedl, 4: Gracie Warner,
5: Bridget Ramert, 6: Livia Montgomery, 7: Matthew Falbe, 8: Loghan Phetsadasack
Spring Pictures!
Select your favorites and pay for your spring pictures at mylifetouch.com. Use your Portrait ID and Access Code located in your portrait package. Please return any un-purchased portraits to school.
Schnucks Giving Bag!!
Schnucks is giving back to SSPP! Every Giving Bag that is sold at 501 Belt Line Road, Collinsville, during the month of April will generate $1 donation to support our school.
Student Council
Student Council is sponsoring a dress down day on Wednesday, April 25th. Please follow all dress down guidelines in the handbook. All money collected will go toward the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon in May. A donation of $2 or more per student is required. If there is additional money collected, it will be used to purchase a gift card for each teacher. Thank you and God bless, Ms. Reinhardt & Mrs. Kiefner
Party Central Events (See Fast Direct Message dated 3/14/2018):
Spaces are still available for the following events. If you have any questions on how to register or would like to participate in any of these events, please contact Greta Gutjahr via Fast Direct.
Saturday, April 28th – Buzzy Dance Camp $25 per participant (last day to register Friday, April 13)
Events still being scheduled:
Uptown Collinsville Pub Crawl – $25 per participant (Limited spaces are available)
Night at the Races – $10 per participant (Limited spaces are available)
Girls Night In – $20 per participant (Spaces are still available)
Grafton Wine Tour – $25 per participant (Spaces are still available)
Fr. McGivney Spelling Bee
Great job to Estevan Guerrero and Isabella Wendler for representing SSPP at the Fr. McGivney Spelling Bee on Monday, April 9, 2018. Congratulations to Isabella for getting 3rd place!
VFW Picture/Poster/Essay Contest Winners
Many of our students in PreK through 5th grade competed in the VFW picture/poster/and essay contest this Spring. We are pleased to announce that we had a few winners. Cecilia Arana in preschool placed 1st in the coloring picture contest. In the essay contest, 3 Fifth graders won: Ava Giovando 1st place, Trevor Koenig 2nd place, Kai Gaither 3rd place. Congratulations to all our winners!
Please stop by the office to retrieve your student’s items. Items not claimed will be donated soon!
Father McGivney Summer Camps
Visit il.8to18.com/McGivneyGriffins to register! Click on the registration tab to begin.
**Grade Entering 2018-2019 School Year**
Co-Ed Running Camp – May 29-June 1 (5th- 8th Grade)
Lady Griffins Basketball Camp – June 4-8 (3rd-9th Grade)
Boys Basketball Camp – June 11-15 (3rd-8th Grade)
Art Camp – June 18-22 (K-8th Grade)
Boys/Girls Volleyball Camp – June 25-29 (4th-9th Grade)
Co-Ed Soccer Camp – July 16-20 (K-9th Grade)
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Collinsville Soccer Registration, School Kidz Supply Kits, Movie Night (oldest/only), Box Tops collection sheet, Bulletin (oldest/only), Band Schedule