Backpack News

Dates to Remember
Monday, April 27
Buzzy Class Photos at 8 a.m. Students may wear School Spirit T-shirts.

Friday, May 1
Student of the Month after Mass, May Crowning 1:35,

Sunday, May 3
First Communion 1 p.m. Mass, Spring Book Fair

Monday, May 4
Spring Book Fair

Tuesday, May 5
Spring Fine Arts Festival 6:30 p.m.

May 6
5th Grade Bake Sale

Thursday, May 7
8th Grade last day

Friday, May 8
SSPP Golf Tournament

Tuesday, May 12
Graduation at 7 p.m. Mass

Wednesday, May 13
Papa John’s Pizza Night (SSPP receives 20% of your order)

Friday, May 15
End of 4th Quarter, Last day of school, early dismissal at 11:15 a.m.

May Maid Events
Spaghetti Dinner:
Sunday, April 26 from 11:30-1:00 in the Ss. Peter and Paul cafeteria. The cost is $10 for those 10 years and older, and $7 for those 9 years and younger. Carry-outs will be available. All proceeds support Collinsville TEPEE and Madeline Sullivan’s run for May Queen. Thank you for your support.
Cardinal Ticket Raffle
And the winner is…Nancy Jackson. Thank you for all your support.

Class Art Projects for Sale
Pre K3: Hand Prints with St. Teresa of Avila Quote $10
Pre K4: Silhouette $10, Kdg: Angel Photo $10
Grade 1: Praying Hands $20
Grade2: “My Favorite Things” Framed Print $10
Grade3: Mosaic Clay Pot $20
Grade 4: Polymer Clay Initials $15
Grade 5: Clay Bowls $15
Grade6: Coasters (Set of 4) $10 ($2.50 for each additional coaster)
Grade 7: Andy Warhol Style Framed Portrait $15
Grade 8: Crucifix $15

Buzzy Class Photos
Buzzy Class Photos will be taken on Monday April 27th, starting at 8 a.m. after the morning prayer and announcements beginning with 8th grade and going down from there. Order forms were sent home last week. Students may wear School Spirit T-shirts and uniform shorts. It is NOT a dress down day.

Market Day
Pick up is Thursday, April 30th, from 2:30—3:30 at the Johnson Street Doors.

Finance Reminder
Starting May 1st, please maintain a positive balance in your school lunch accounts. For your convenience, we will call home once the balance becomes negative. If you have an issue, please call the school or finance office. We are always eager to work with you.

Thank You
The American Heart Association would like to thank SSPP for the school’s donation of $4823.02 thru the Jump Rope for Heart & Hoops for Heart Programs. Thank you for helping raise awareness about heart-healthy living! Thanks, also, to Mr. Winterbottom for coordinating the programs.

Totus Tuus
July 11 to July 18, 2015 For more information, please contact Kimberly Zagorski at the Parish office 618-345-4343 ext. 302

Inserts in Today’s Friday Folders
Summer Latchkey Registration
SSPP Soccer Registration (PK4-7)
SchoolKidz Reminder (PK4-7)
CARD Program brochure
CHS Cheerleading (8th grade girls only)
Elite FT Soccer Training flyer
Altar Server Schedule (4-8)
At Home with Our Faith (oldest/only)
Totus Tuus info (K-7)

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