Backpack News

Important Dates
Sunday, May 3
First Communion 1 p.m. Mass
Spring Book Fair

Monday May 4-Wed,May 6
Spring Book Fair

Tuesday, May 5
Spring Fine Arts Festival 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 6
5th Grade Bake Sale

Thursday, May 7
8th Grade last day

Friday, May 8
SSPP Golf Tournament

Tuesday, May 12
Graduation at 7 p.m. Mass

Wednesday, May 13
Papa John’s Pizza Night (SSPP receives 20% of your order)

Friday, May 15
End of 4th Quarter
Last day of school, early dismissal at 11:15 a.m.

May Maid
Thank you to everyone who participated in the class collection competition to help support Mattie Sullivan’s run for May Queen. Mrs. Martin’s eighth grade won the pizza party, with a very competitive challenge from Mr. Winterbottom’s class.
Thank you so much for all of your support.

Class Art Projects for Sale – Spring 2015
Pre K3: Hand Prints with St. Teresa of Avila Quote $10
Pre K4: Silhouette $10
Kindergarten: Angel Photo $10
Grade 1: Praying Hands $20
Grade 2: “My Favorite Things” Framed Print $10
Grade3: Mosaic Clay Pot $20
Grade 4: Polymer Clay Initials $15
Grade 5: Clay Bowls $15
Grade 6: Coasters (Set of 4) $10 ($2.50 for each additional coaster)
Grade 7: Andy Warhol Style Framed Portrait $15
Grade 8: Crucifix $15

SSPP Annual Golf Tournament
SSPP 16th Annual Golf Tournament & Evening of Fun
Friday, May 8, 2015
Stonewolf Golf Club – Fairview Heights, IL
Money raised goes directly to our school – Meets our Fundraising Goal
Check out the link on our school website for details:
• Register for Golf – 4 person scramble and recruit other golfers
• Attend the evening – dinner, entertainment, silent auction
• Help raise money through obtaining sponsors and donations for silent auction.

Finance Reminder
Starting May 1st, please maintain a positive balance in your school lunch accounts. For your convenience, we will call home once the balance becomes negative. If you have an issue, please call the school or finance office. We are always eager to work with you.

Inserts in Friday Folders
Market Day Flyer
SSPP Volleyball Camp (4-8 grades)
Summer Reading Skills Programs
Revised School Calendar
Book Fair Flyers

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