Principal’s Notes

Our eighth graders will graduate next Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Our school has been blessed with this fine group of young men and women. I’m confident that they will represent our school well in the future. We extend our best wishes and blessings to them for an outstanding future. Everyone is welcome to attend.

We are especially proud of our graduates who have chosen to continue their Catholic education at the secondary level. Caitlyn and Gwen Pendall, Thomas Dufford, Deanna Kohler, and Ryan McMahon have been accepted at Fr. McGivney Catholic. Mira McAtee has been accepted at Nerinx Hall. James and Madeline Sullivan have been accepted at Mater Dei Catholic. John Mersinger has been accepted at SLUH. Nolan Gutjahr has been accepted at CBC.

The acceptance process at Catholic high schools can be rigorous. The time to begin preparing is when the students are in the upper floor grades. The schools look for academic, leadership, participation skills, as well as a strong faith life.

The Student Council treated the teachers to a great Cinco de Mayo luncheon last Tuesday for National Teachers Day. Our STUCO members have done a fantastic job at promoting school spirit this year. Thanks to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kiefner for helping the students.

Don’t forget to sign up to work a shift at the SSPP Picnic. I would like to encourage all of our school families to get involved! Remember that the parish gives each family a monetary subsidy to cover the cost to educate our students. The Picnic Committee has worked very hard to make this event more family centered. It should be lots of fun.

All school fees, especially lunch, must be current as we approach the last days of this school year. For students who have a negative lunch balance, the office will make a reminder call to the parents starting Monday. If you are unsure of any fees, please contact Vickie in the finance office.

The annual Fine Arts Festival was again a rousing success. Special thanks to our Fine Arts Department- Mrs. Popovchak-Erickson, Mrs. Campbell, and Mr. Sladek- for their hard work and dedication. Our band and the students did an outstanding job in providing the entertainment and the great art projects. Art and music education remain integral components in educating the whole student.

Thanks to the Knights who presented us with a check for $500 from our breakfast.

Kudos To
Special thanks to John and Renee Crowder and the large number of workers and volunteers who make our golf tournament a huge success. Tomorrow marks the 16th annual tournament and the amount of money raised has exceeded the $170,000 mark. Say an extra prayer for good weather as this is our second largest school fundraiser.

Special thanks to Jonelle Chambers for chairing the Book Fairs. Both events were very successful.

Thanks to Dee Gurley for chairing the BoxTops program. We made over $1800 this year.

Congratulations to Madeline Sullivan who was first maid for the May Maid contest.

Congratulations to our 2nd graders who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday. Thank you to Mrs. Bozzardi for all her preparations.

Danielle Bozzardi, SSPP alumnus, who was the Buzzy dance camp instructor for the performance at the Fine Arts Festival. Danielle has done this for a number of years and we are grateful that she returns to give of her time for this event. Thanks also to Mrs.Kiefner, Mrs. Bergman, Mrs. Bozzardi, Mrs. Buehler, and Mrs. Wilde for sponsoring the activity.

8th grader, Shannon Wobbe, who made the CHS Dance team

8th grader, Ryan McMahon, who participated in Father McGivney’s Catholic High School recent presentation “Musical Theatre Showcase”. He did two monologues. One was titled “The Worst Audition Ever” and the second was “Pablo the Salesman”. The high school did not have enough current students interested so they opened it up to incoming students.

Summer Office Hours
The school office will begin summer hours on May 18th. The office will be open from 9 am to noon. Call 344-5450 for an appointment at any other time. The office will be closed on Monday, May 25th for Memorial Day, June 5th for the picnic. In addition, the office will be closed June 29th through July 6th and Friday, July 24th & Monday, July 27th. If you have a question, call and leave a message 618-344-5450 or send a Fast Direct.

Summer Latchkey
We still have spaces available in the summer latchkey program. We will be offering different activities each day. Christine Rukavina will be creating an activities schedule for the summer. I will send that out as soon as it is finalized. Our goal this summer is to recreate the program so that the students have organized activities and not just babysitting. Call the office to enroll.

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