Backpack News

Important Dates
Sunday, Sept 13
KC Family Free Picnic & Pig Roast: 2-4 p.m. at KC Hall, Route 157 (please bring a side dish)

Monday, Sept 14
Iowa Basic Test Skills: 9/14 – 9/18 (grades 3, 5, 7 & 8 only)

Monday, Sept 14
Back to Stinging Sweatshirt Orders are due!!!

Monday, Sept 14
Protecting God’s Children, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Morris Hall

Friday, Sept 18
SSPP has full day of school. No Bus Service (Unit 10 Institute Day)

Tuesday, Sept 22
Back to School Reconciliation Service 12:30 p.m.

Friday, Sept 25
Bake Sale: Kindergarten & 7th grades

Thursday, October 1
Yearbook Pictures

Friday, October 2
Blessing of Animals 1:40 p.m., 8th Grade Soccer night (more info to come)

Satuday, October 3
Cardboard City

Sunday, October 4
Cardboard City, Scholastic Book Fair, Life Chain, Chicken/Roast Beef Dinner

Protecting God’s Children (PGC) Classes
ANY parent/grandparent/guardian who may coach, want to be a field trip chaperone, classroom helper (room parent), playground supervisor or lunch helper MUST complete the Protecting God’s Children program plus have a Background Check processed. This is in accordance with the Safe Environment policy of the Springfield Diocese. We may be contacting you to resubmit a background check as they are good for only 5 years. .

SSPP will be holding another session. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO SIGN UP 345-4343
Monday, 9/14, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Morris Hall

The following area sessions are listed on the diocesan website (, under Safe Environment Program.
St. Paul’s, Highland, 10/1, 6:30-9:30 p.m., St. Paul’s, Highland, 11/5, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Don’t Forget to Vote for SSPP
The St. Louis Post Dispatch and Suburban Journals are holding a Best of Collinsville Vote! SSPP is in several categories in the community section. Here is the link to vote: Winners will be announced in the Madison County Suburban Journal on October 21, 2015. PLEASE VOTE TODAY!!

Auction News
Thank you to everyone who has already donated an auction item! We need everyone’s help to bring in donations. Please consider asking for a contribution from a business that you frequent, an employer, family member, or neighbor, etc. A business can also purchase an advertisement for the printed program. The school office has extra forms if you need more.

Thank you to those who have already contributed towards the class baskets! Please remember to support your class’s efforts if you are able. If you contribute an item towards your basket, please include how much it cost (you can use a donation form or just write a note with the amount) so that you receive proper credit towards fundraising.

Updates are being posted in Fast Direct on the Auction’s Bulletin Board. Please watch there for specific announcements and volunteer opportunities.

Thank You
Spirit of Sharing (S.O.S.) Soup Kitchen is grateful to the SSPP students and families for their recent donations of peanut butter & jelly, granola bars & fruit cups. Many thanks to all who donated!

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Today, the students received socks to collect their spare change for Kellsie’s Hope Foundation “Sock It to Cancer” Change Drive. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and again this year the Foundation is continuing their mission to fund research for pediatric cancers. We will collect the socks at the end of the month.

McGivney Fall Golf Classic
Fr. McGivney Catholic High School is hosting a golf outing October 3, 2015 at Far Oaks Golf Club. Proceeds are to cover remaining landscaping for the campus. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Beth Wilson at phone #618-795-3715.

Flu Season Reminders
Basic reminders about when students need to stay home for stomach influenza, strep throat or pink eye:
-Fever is greater than 100 degrees.
-Must remain fever free for 24 hours without fever reducers.
-Must stay home 24 hours after the last vomiting episode.
-Must stay home 24 hours after diarrhea symptoms subside.
-Must be on antibiotic eye drops for a minimum of 24 hours for Pink Eye.
-Must be on antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours for Strep Throat.

Inserts in Friday Folders
Fr. McGivney Golf Classic
Partners in Faith
Band Lesson Schedule

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