Backpack News

Important Dates
Saturday, October 3
Cardboard City

Sunday, October 4
Cardboard City, Scholastic Book Fair, Life Chain, Chicken/Roast Beef Dinner

Wednesday, Oct 7
Kindergarten & 1st grade field trip

Friday, October 9
Student of the Month presentation after Mass, End of 1st Quarter

Monday, October 12
No School, Columbus Day Holiday

Friday, October 23
PK3 & PK4 field trip

Chess Club
Chess club will be held on Mondays from 2:30-3:15 p.m. beginning October 5th. I am asking for
a $5 fee (per family) to offset the boards and chess pieces that keep disappearing. Mrs. Wepking

Auction News
They’ve been sent out! If you need another copy, the office has extras. Please make plans to join us on Nov. 14th. Reservations are required. You may drop RSVP cards off at the school office.

Class Baskets
Please lend your support with whatever amount you can. Every amount helps, and together it all adds up! Time is running out, as the coordinators need to plan, shop and put the class baskets together.

Cooler of Spirits
It’s back…but it needs to be filled up! Please see the Friday folder insert for more details. We’re accepting donations of beer, liquor and mixed drinks components for this raffle. Please have an ADULT bring in to the office. Thank you to Mrs. Martin and our wonderful SSPP teachers for heading this up.

$10,000 Donation
Please don’t forget, if we stretch all our bids to reach $25,000, we will receive $10,000 from an anonymous donor…but we need great items upon which to bid! Please continue to send in your donations of new items, basket supplies, and themed baskets.

Grandparents Letter
We’re excited and grateful for the wonderful response we have received so far to the auction-related letter to many of our students’ grandparents. The letter we recently mailed out included an opportunity for them to donate $15 to have their names, and their grandkids’ names, included on the grandparents’ pages in the auction program. It also included raffle tickets they could purchase. It’s not too late if you would like to have your grandparent(s) included, please just let the office know their name and address.

Kellsie’s Hope Foundation
Please turn in your socks by Tuesday, October 6th at the very latest!! Thanks for your support.

Parish Mission: “Where Is God These Days?”
Mark your calendars for our Parish Mission! October 18-21, 2015
The Scriptures tell the story of God with His people on the journey of life, through the joy and pain, the laughter and tears, through the mountaintop highs and the dry desert lows. How about today? Is God with us still; and, if so, how? Why does it seem like God is so distant at times, especially when there is a critical need? Increasingly today it appears that God is not all that relevant. We get confused about what to do and what not to do. You are invited to delve into these questions and more during four days of renewal at our Parish Mission. Watch the bulletin for more details or go to our parish website at

McGivney Halloween 5K Run/Walk
Fr. McGivney High School is sponsoring a Halloween 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 31, 2015, at 8 a.m. Early Registration is $20, after October 11th Registration is $25. For more information, please contact Fr. McGivney High school 618-855-9010.

Friday Folders
Hearing and Vision Notices (K-3, 8, and new students)
Band Schedule,
Auction Cooler of Spirits Request
Book Fair Flyer
Elite FT

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