Backpack News

Important Dates
Monday, October 12
No School, Columbus Day Holiday

Sun-Wed, Oct 18-21
Parish Mission (See details below)

Mon-Fri, Oct 19-23
Red Ribbon Week & Box Top Collection (more info below)

Friday, October 23
PK3 & PK4 field trip

Wed, October 28
4th Grade Bake Sale
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.-6:15 p.m.)

Thursday, October 29
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)

Friday, October 30
No School
Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 a.m.–10 a.m.)

Tutoring/Homework Club
Contact Mrs. Wepking via Fast Direct if you are interested in Tutoring or Homework Club for your student.
Price for Homework Club is $10 per child per session and the price for tutoring is $25 a session.

Student Council Info
Student Council will meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month from 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Parents, please be sure that your child is picked up at 3:15 p.m. or they will be taken over to Latchkey.

Auction News
The auction is just 5 weeks away…please send your reservations in by Friday, Oct 23rd.

Raffle tickets are going home today in Friday folders! Payment and completed ticket stubs can be dropped off at the school office. If you need more tickets, the school office has extras. Volunteers will also be selling raffle tickets after all Masses during the weekend of October 17th and 18th.

Class Baskets
Please lend your support with whatever amount you can. Time is running out, as the coordinators need to plan, shop and put the class baskets together.

Donated items should be sent in by Wednesday, October 21st if at all possible. This way we can make sure that they are included in the auction program, which must be printed beforehand.

Cooler of Spirits
Please continue to send in your donations of beer, liquor and mixed drinks components for The Cooler of Spirits to the school office (via an adult!). Thank you to Mrs. Martin and the teachers for heading up this fun and exciting raffle!

Parish Mission: “Where Is God These Days?” October 18-21
Our Parish Mission is getting closer! Have you freed up your calendar so that you can be with us and Father John Mark Ettensohn, OMI, who will share God’s Word with us? Information is on our website at
The Nursery will be available on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Red Ribbon Week: October 19-23
The Class that turns in the most box tops will receive a pizza party.

Monday, October 19
Camo/Super Hero Day

Tuesday, October 20
Hats Off

Wednesday, October 21
Favorite Team Day

Thursday, October 22
Sock It to Drugs

Friday, October 23
Life is Sweet

Thank You, From Kellsie’s Hope Foundation
Thank you, SSPP, for again participating in “Sock it to Cancer”. We appreciate your support over the past 4 years. Please let your families know how much they collected and pass on our gratitude to them.
….And the winner is Kindergarten – $185.04 ($12.34 per student). 2nd grade actually collected more money $232.20 but the average per student $11.06 was lower. The Kindergarten Class will receive a pizza party.
The grand total for SSPP was $1044.01 (Great Job Hornets!)

Trivia Night
Saturday, Oct 17, at Edwardsville KC Hall. Sponsored by Kappa Delta Pi of SIUE. Doors open 6, Trivia at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person before 10/17 or $12 at the door. Cash bar, bring your own snacks. Halloween costume contest and 50/50 raffle. 10 people max per table. Contact Amanda Ley at or Paige Wilderson at for more information. All proceeds to go help purchase books for Literacy Alive!

Inserts Friday Folders
Parent/Teacher Conference Form (oldest/only)
Auction Raffle Tickets (oldest/only), Band Schedule (5-8)

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