Backpack News

Important Dates
Wed, October 28
4th Grade Bake Sale
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.-6:15 p.m.)

Thursday, October 29
No Bus service
Unit 10 is off,
SSPP has full day
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)

Friday, October 30
No School
Parent/Teacher Conferences (8 a.m.–noon)

Monday, November 2
SchoolKidz Fundraiser ends – Return orders to the school office

Friday, November 6
Student of the Month presentation after 8:15 a.m. Mass

Wed, November 11
Veteran’s Day Holiday
No School

Friday, November 13
Yearbook Picture Retake

Sat, November 14
SSPP School Auction

Tuesday, November 17
Papa John’s Pizza Night (Don’t forget to buy scrip!!)

Wed-Fri, Nov 25-27 T
hanksgiving Day Holiday Break

Kudos To
The following students who made 1st Quarter Honor Roll

SchoolKidz Voluntary Fundraiser
Parents, you will receive 50% back on every $1 spent to be used towards your fundraising commitment.
Fundraiser begins 10/16 and ends 11/2. Checks should be payable to Ss. Peter and Paul School.

Auction News
We have a wonderful event planned, but we need you to be there.

Exciting live items including Blues, Rams and Cardinals tickets, delightful class art projects & valuable baskets, fun & original silent items including autographed sports memorabilia, baskets for babies, kids, pets, holidays, home décor, and so much more! There are also new Party Centrals, along with old favorites, that you won’t want to miss signing up for. Our menu will be provided by a delicious St. Louis caterer, Hendri’s, and special desserts are being made from the top-notch Little Taste of Heaven Bakery in Edwardsville. Come see what’s new and have a great time raising money for the school! You will have fun, and the school and the students are depending on us all.

Donation Deadlines
Has been Extended until Monday, October 26th. You have the weekend to put a basket together or send in an item! Thank you to everyone who has sent in an item or basket.

Stretch Your Bids
An EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT will be made the night of the auction…what will it be?

Our auction tab on the school website is looking amazing. Thank you to Ryan Klaas for creating and updating it.

Winners will be drawn the night of the auction, and you need not be present to win! You may still turn in raffle tickets through the school office, and they will also be sold the night of the auction. Soon there will be color pictures of the raffle items on our school website.

Cooler of Spirits
Please continue to send in your donations of beer, liquor and mixed drinks components for The Cooler of Spirits to the school office (via an adult!). Thank you to Mrs. Martin and the teachers for heading up this fun and exciting raffle! Thank you to everyone who has already sent something in.

Volunteers Needed
TO SELL RAFFLE TICKETS AT THE AUCTION. This is a fun and easy job that we do in shifts. It doesn’t take all night, and you can do it with a friend. If you can help, please contact Jessica Runnalls or Kat Marchetti. Thank you.

Pet Food Donations
We continue to collect dog and cat items for ARF (Animal Rescue Foundation). One donation will get a dress down pass for all students in the same family.

Althoff Catholic Open House
Students (in grades 4 thru 8) and their parents are invited to Althoff Catholic High School’s Open House on Sunday, October 25, 2015, from noon to 2 p.m.

Student Council Information
The next student council meeting will be Tuesday, October 27th. November meetings will be on the 3rd & the 17th. Meetings will be from 2:30-3:15 p.m.

Diocesan Capital Campaign Funds
SSPP has received $3,262 in tuition assistance funds thanks to your generous contributions to the Capital Campaign: Harvest of Thanks, Springtime of Hope Endowment. THANK YOU!

Thank You
Thanks to all who contributed to the Cardinal Dress Down Days in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
SSPP students and staff raised $120 in support of Makenna’s Dream Team.

Spooky Halloween Party
The Knights of Columbus invites you to their annual Spooky Halloween Party on Saturday, October 31st, from 1-4 p.m. at the KC Hall on Rt 157. See flyer in your student’s Friday Folder today. Call 345-1492 for more info.

Fr. McGivney News
The first of three public meetings (for parents, prospective parents, interested community members, and faculty/staff) will be held on Monday, November 2nd at 7 PM in McGivney’s gymnasium. The public is invited to give feedback on the proposed strategic planning process (and to tour the new building if you haven’t yet had the opportunity). Questions regarding the meeting or would like to RSVP, please email

Boy Scout Troop 1086 Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, Nov 7th 5:30-8:00pm at the Fairview Heights Elks, 9480 Old Lincoln Trial, Fairview Heights, IL
$10 Adults, $5 kids ages 4-12yrs old, FREE for 3 and under. Pre-tickets sales contact Matt Wilde or at the door.

Fr. McGivney Catholic High School Open House
All interested families are invited to come and check out what McGivney has to offer for high school. The Fall Open House will be on Sunday, November 8th from 1-3 p.m. Student ambassadors will lead groups on tours, teachers will be available for curriculum and technology demonstrations, and faculty and staff will be available for questions.

8th Grade Testing/Fall Placement Exam
Fr. McGivney High School will hold the ASPIRE test on Saturday, November 21st at 8 a.m. Please use the form at to reserve your student’s seat. A free breakfast will be available for all prospective 8th grade parents at the same time as the test. For more information, please contact the Development Office at 618-955-9010 or e-mail at

Inserts in Friday Folder
Parent/Teacher Conference Times (oldest/only)
Timothy Retreat (6,7,8)
Knights of Columbus Halloween Party
Raise Your Paddle & Stretch Your Bids Auction Information
Band Schedule (4-8)
Altar Server Schedule (5-8)

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