Backpack News

Important Dates
Tuesday, December 8
Santa’s Kottage Preview

Tuesday, December 8
Advent Rosary 1:40 p.m.

Wednesday, December 9
Santa’s Kottage Sale Day

Wednesday, December 9
2nd Grade First Reconciliation & Parish Reconciliation 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 10
8th grade field trip

Tuesday, December 15
Advent School Reconciliation Service 12:30 p.m.

Friday, December 18
End of 2nd Quarter, Early Dismissal 11:15 a.m., NO P.M. BUS

Five Below Fundraser
SSPP invites you to shop at Five Below in Fairview Heights from Dec 7-11. A flyer will be coming home in today’s Friday Folder. You MUST have the flyer (printed or electronic) for SSPP to receive 10% of your purchases.

Student Council Information
Dress Down Days
Monday, December 7, Dress Down day for Advent Project $1 or more donation per family
Thursday, December 10, Dress Down day for Advent Project $1 or more donation per family

Candy Cane Sales
December 10, 11, 14 & 15, Candy Canes Sales during all lunch periods. $1 each

Santa’s Kottage
Santa’s Kottage is looking for donations of tape, wrapping paper & small gift bags (paper lunch bag size). If you are able to, please send your donations to the school office. Also, if you are able to help with set up (Saturday 12/5), preview (Tuesday 12/8) or sale day (Wednesday 12/9), please message Trina Rauk or Kelley Gaither via Fast Direct. Thanks, in advance, for your help!

Holiday Nuts
Holiday Nuts are here!!! Pecan Halves, Pecan Pieces, Cashews, Mixed Nuts & English Walnuts.
$10 each for 1 pound bag – Fresh Crop from Georgia’s Thames Pecan Company!
See LouAnne before/after all Masses in the back of Church or stop by the school office.
Net proceeds will be donated to the Annual Fund and to the 8th Grade Chicago Trip.

8th Grade Gift Card Tree Raffle
Thank you to all the parishioners, students’ families and friends who purchased tickets to help fund the 8th graders trip to Chicago in March. It was a huge success and $850 was raised!! Mira McAtee, a recent SSPP graduate, was our lucky winner of over $450 of donated items including the decorated tree and gift card holder decoration. Congratulations!

Train Display
Open to the public!! Large Train Display at The Moose Lodge off Route 143 in Edwardsville (7371 Marine Road), presented by the Take Family. Friday December 11 thru Saturday December 19, 2015. Monday thru Friday: 4 – 8 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 12 – 4 p.m. Fish & other food will be sold on Friday. Free will offerings will be donated to Mooseheart Child City and School.

Friday’s Folders
Five Below Fundraiser flyer
Student Council Advent Project (K-8)
Band Schedule
Christmas Candy Cane Sale (K-8)

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