Backpack News

On Tuesday, we celebrate the Feast of St Patrick. The students will be handing out holy cards to all who attend the Mass. In the afternoon, we will have our Lenten reconciliation service. You are welcome to attend.

I would like to thank all of you who have returned the registration form for next school year. I need to have as accurate numbers as possible in order to plan staffing for next year. The classes are filling up fast. We have already received registrations from two new families for next year. Remember that you do not need to send the $150 fee in with the registration. We need to get the students registered in order to plan for the new ebooks and textbooks we will use next year.

The third quarter has ended and report cards will be posted next Wednesday at noon. If you have trouble viewing them, please contact the office. I would also like to remind you that all accounts should be current. This time of year can be hectic and the end of school will be here before you know it. Remember that your fundraising goal should be met on April 30th. We will still add the golf tournament on May 9th.

Kudos To
Our 8th and 5th grade classes who once again scored very well on the NCEA/IFG test on Catholic knowledge. We had a number of students at each grade who scored at the Advanced level.

Our three winners of the Knights of Columbus Essay contest. Thanks to the Knights for sponsoring the contest.

Mark Vojas (SSPP alum) who was a member of the 2nd place Model UN team at CHS.

Kyle Friederich (SSPP alum) who was chosen as a Character Student of the Month for February at CHS.

K.C. Breakfast
Just a reminder that advance tickets for the breakfast on March 22nd can be purchased at the school office. Adults are $9 and Children are $6. You will receive 50% fundraising credit for all advance tickets purchased. Breakfast is served from 9-12:30. All of our proceeds will go toward our technology purchases for next year (Chromebooks, ebooks, iPad apps, etc.)

Summer Latchkey
Don’t forget that our Latchkey will be open during the summer. It is open from 6:30am-6:00pm, Monday through Friday. (We will be closed on June 5th for the homecoming and July 4th.) Please remember that our summer attendance allows us to continue to operate the school year program. Registration sheets with pricing will be coming home soon. Special rates will be available if your child attends Totus Tuus in July.

Gibault Students
We have enjoyed having Andrew Crites and Jacob Hempen from Gibault Catholic High School here for the past three weeks. They have been completing their Senior Service project. They have been a big help completing all kinds of task. They have worked with the students and teachers. We wish them the best of luck for the rest of their senior years and their future.

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