Sunday, October 16 KC Breakfast 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at KC Hall **THIS WEEKEND**
Thursday, October 20 1st & 2nd grade bake sale
Friday, October 21 Honor Roll after Mass, 7th Grade Retreat
Saturday, October 22 First Reconciliation Enrichment Day for 2nd graders, 1-4 p.m.
SSPP School Choir to sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass
Affirmation of 2nd graders at 4:30 p.m. Mass
Monday-Friday, Oct 24-27 Red Ribbon Week (See specific details on page 2)
Tuesday, October 25 Rosary at 1:40 p.m.
Wed, Oct 26–Fri, Oct 28 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 27 No Bus Service (Unit 10 is off, SSPP has full day)
Friday, October 28 NO SCHOOL, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, November 4 NO SCHOOL, Diocesan Adult Enrichment Conference (DAEC)
Saturday, November 5 SSPP SCHOOL AUCTION
Tuesday, November 8 NO SCHOOL, Election Day
Wednesday, November 9 Papa John’s Pizza Night,
SSPP can receive up to 20% of your order (BUY SCRIP TOO!)
Friday, November 11 NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
****Important Parent/Teacher Conference Information****
Parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 26th, 27th, and 28th.
A conference request form will be in your oldest/only student’s Friday folder. Please be aware of the October 19th deadline on the form. I cannot guarantee a time after the deadline. You will get a conference schedule in next week’s Friday folder.
SSPP will again be serving a hot lunch. The menu and a letter was sent home a few weeks ago and has been loaded on the website. Please be sure that your children are aware of the different choices.
*Daddy Dream Package is back in the Golden Paddle. Make sure you get your tickets!!!
*We are in need of baskets, wrap, ribbon and fillers please!!
*We are accepting donations of wine and whiskey. Help stock the racks, please!!
*Next week is the deadline for all donations and ads. Our program needs to be complete and turned in to print. Please donate NOW so we can be sure to add this in our program.
**Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported this great event! We are overjoyed and blessed with the generosity of all our SSPP family and friends. This is sure to be an amazing night!!!
KC Breakfast – Sunday, 10/16/2016
Join with friends and family for the Knights of Columbus breakfast on Sunday, October 16, 2016, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This month’s breakfast will support S.O.S Soup Kitchen!
Red Ribbon Week – Monday-Friday, Oct 24-27
Monday, October 24 I’m too Bright for Drugs (wear sunglasses)
Tuesday, October 25 Hats off to being drug free (wear a hat or cap)
Wednesday, October 26 Friends don’t let friends do drugs (show your school spirit)
Thursday, October 27 Dress as your favorite movie, tv or book character
(within dress down day guidelines in Handbook)
Fr. McGivney Events
McGivney Halloween 5K Run/Walk & Kid’s Halloween Party: October 29 @ 8 am – 12 pm
Fall Open House: November 6 @ 1 pm – 3 pm
ASPIRE Placement Test & Prospective Parent Breakfast: November 12 @ 8 am – 12 pm
Early Decision Deadline: December 15
SHOPWITHSCRIP.COM SSPP Enrollment Code: 17B3D3639324
You should have received information in your summer packet! Additional questions, call the school office at 344-5450.
The school office carries a variety of scrip cards and can order almost anything. Go to or for the complete list. The school receives different percentages back on each card purchased. If you know you’ll be shopping at a specific store (ie shopnsave, etc) or dining at a specific restaurant (ie olive garden, etc), or paying your store charge (ie kohl’s, etc), please think about purchasing them from school. Thanks for your support!
If you don’t have one, contact the school office and we will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout – That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Parent/Teacher Conferences (oldest/only), Bert’s Fundraiser (oldest/only), Band Schedule