Important Facts
Monday, November 7 Vision & Hearing Screenings (K,1,2,3,8)
Student Council Meeting 2:30 – 3 p.m.
Tuesday, November 8 NO SCHOOL, Election Day
Wed, November 9 Papa John’s Pizza Night (see additional promotion below!!)
SSPP can receive up to 20% of your order (BUY SCRIP TOO!)
Friday, November 11 NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
Tuesday, November 15 Student of the Month presentation after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Friday, November 18 Lifetouch Yearbook Retakes
Monday, November 21 K & 8 grade Bake Sale
Wed-Fri, Nov 23-25 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Thursday, November 17 Engineering Club 2:30-3:30 p.m. (grades 6-8 only)
Wed, November 30 2nd Graders First Reconciliation 6:30 p.m.
Student Council Info
1) Student Council Meeting: Monday, November 7th after school until 3 p.m.
2) Veteran’s Day project – Salute to our Service Men and Women!
Please send in the name of service members in your family – retired, present, or deceased. Please include their name, branch of service, and rank. This information will be placed on red, white, and blue stars that will hang in our hallways and on the Johnson Street windows. We are asking for $1 or more donation for each name. The money will be split between Student Council, American Legion, and VFW. Please send all donations and information by Monday, November 14th. It can be placed in an envelope marked “Student Council” and sent to the office.
Papa John’s Pizza Night:
Wednesday, November 9, order from Papa John’s with our school code and SSPP can receive up to 20% of your order. (BUY SCRIP TOO!).
***Also: Order for SSPP’s Papa John’s November School Night Event & Earn Free Pizza!***
Order Online with promo code on flyer and 25 Papa Points will be deposited into your account the next day. 25 Papa Points will redeem a large 3 topping pizza! $10 minimum purchase required to receive 25 Papa Points. You must be a Papa Reward Member. This Papa Reward Free Pizza is valid through 5-30-17.
Box Tops for Education
Thank you for your participation!! A total of $470.30 was collected. Kindergarten wins the pizza party for having the most participation by percentage. Next collection will be during Catholic Schools Week (Jan 29 – Feb 4).
Fr. McGivney Events:
Fall Open House: November 6 @ 1 pm – 3 pm
ASPIRE Placement Test & Prospective Parent Breakfast: November 12 @ 8 am – 12 pm
Early Decision Deadline: December 15
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Pictures with Santa (PK-2), Band Schedule