Friday, November 11
NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
Tuesday, Nov 15
Student of the Month presentation after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Thursday, Nov 17
Engineering Club 2:30-3:30 p.m. (grades 6-8 only)
Friday, November 18
Lifetouch Yearbook Retakes
Monday, Nov 21
K & 8 grade Bake Sale
Wed-Fri, Nov 23-25
NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Wed, November 30
2nd Graders First Reconciliation 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec 1
School Advent Reconciliation Service 12:30 p.m.
Friday, December 2
Student of the Month presentations after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Tuesday, Dec 6
Christmas Program 6:30 p.m.
Tues-Thurs, Dec 6-8
Santa’s Kottage Preview/Sell Days
Monday, Dec 12
8th Grade Basketball Night
Tuesday, Dec 13
Advent Rosary 1:40 p.m.
Thursday, Dec 15
8th Grade field trip to the Fabulous Fox Theatre
Wednesday, Dec 21
End of 2nd Quarter, No p.m. bus service, 1 p.m. dismissal
Veteran’s Day project – Salute to our Service Men and Women!
Please send in the name of service members in your family – retired, present, or deceased. Please include their name, branch of service, and rank. This information will be placed on red, white, and blue stars that will hang in our hallways and on the Johnson Street windows. We are asking for $1 or more donation for each name. The money will be split between Student Council, American Legion, and VFW. Please send all donations and information by Monday, November 14th. It can be placed in an envelope marked “Student Council” and sent to the office.
The Christmas Star From A Far
Put Christ into the Advent and Christmas Season!! This is the Christian version of Elf on the Shelf. The Christmas Star from Afar encourages children to go on a hunt for their Star, similar to that of the Wise Men. If you would like to see a set, please stop by the parish or school office or after Mass where we will have an open sample. $35 each includes the activity book with a wooden Star, a full wooden nativity scene that matches the artwork of the book, and optional scripture to use throughout the month.
SCRIP Christmas Shopping
Start your Christmas Shopping now & support SSPP School by buying SCRIP cards.
See the flyer in your student’s Friday Folder this week!
Fr. McGivney Events:
ASPIRE Placement Test & Prospective Parent Breakfast: November 12 @ 8 am – 12 pm
Early Decision Deadline: December 15
Additional questions, call the school office at 344-5450.
The school office carries a variety of scrip cards and can order almost anything. Go to or for the complete list. The school receives different percentages back on each card purchased. If you know you’ll be shopping at a specific store (ie shopnsave, etc) or dining at a specific restaurant (ie olive garden, etc), or paying your store charge (ie kohl’s, etc), please think about purchasing them from school. Thanks for your support!
If you don’t have one, contact the school office and we will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout – That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Band Schedule, Scrip Order Form, Auction Party Centrals, Auction Raise Your Paddle