Monday, Dec 12 8th Grade Basketball Night
Tuesday, Dec 13 Advent Rosary 1:40 p.m., Book Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec 15 8th Grade field trip to the Fabulous Fox Theatre
Wednesday, Dec 21 End of 2nd Quarter, No p.m. bus service, 1 p.m. dismissal
Dec 22-Jan 4 Christmas vacation
Thursday, January 5 Classes resume
Friday, January 6 Honor Roll Presentations after Mass
8th Grade Basketball Night
We will be honoring our 8th grade basketball players and their parents in between games on Monday, December 12. The girls game will start at 6:30 p.m. and the boys will start shortly after the ceremonies conclude, approximately 7:30 p.m..
There is no charge for SSPP students to attend any home sporting event. Students who attend the game will receive a dress down day pass.
Students are expected to behave at all games and should not be running around the gym or interfering with the game in any way.
Student Council Info
Student Council will be selling candy grams for $1 at every lunch period next week. If you would like to send one to your child, please send an envelope marked Student Council to the office with payment and your child’s name included. Thank you!
SCRIP Christmas Shopping
Start your Christmas Shopping now & support SSPP School by buying SCRIP cards.
For a full list of retailers, go to or visit LouAnne’s Planner page on Fast Direct.
Hornet Socks for Sale
$1 a pair, First come/First serve. Stop by the office to see the selection.
All School Picture
Only 4 pictures left from the Auction! 11X17 colored print taken in Church with the entire school. $20 each. Stop by the office to purchase.
Paper Towels
Amazingly we have run out of paper towels that usually last us all year long. If you would like to donate a roll or 2, please send them in to the office. It is much appreciated!!