Backpack News

Important Dates
Saturday, March 21
School Choir sings at 4:30 p.m. Mass

Wednesday, March 25
Bake Sale for May Maid during lunch, Parish Live Stations of the Cross 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 26
Market Day pick up at Johnson Street doors

Friday, March 27
Honor Roll after 8:15 a.m. Mass, School Live Stations of the Cross 1:40 p.m.

Thursday, April 2
Holy Thursday, Early Dismissal at 11:15 a.m.

Friday, April 3
Good Friday, No School

Monday, April 6
Easter Monday, No School

Tuesday, April 7
Protecting God’s Children here at SSPP 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 12
KC Breakfast benefits SSPP School

KC Breakfast
Due to the farewell reception for Fr. Arismann this weekend, our KC sponsored breakfast has been postponed until April 12th. Advance tickets are available in the school office. You can get fundraising credit for advance ticket purchases.

Bake Sale
Wednesday, March 25, during lunch hours to help support Madeline Sullivan’s May Maid campaign.

SSPP Annual Golf Tournament
ALL School Families – Golfers & Non-Golfers
What: SSPP 16th Annual Golf Tournament & Evening of Fun
When: Friday, May 8, 2015
Where: Stonewolf Golf Club – Fairview Heights, IL
Why: Money raised goes directly to our school – Meets our Fundraising Goal
How: Check out the link on our school website for details:
• Register for Golf – 4 person scramble and recruit other golfers
• Attend the evening – dinner, entertainment, silent auction
• Help raise money through obtaining sponsors and donations for silent auction.

On Saturday March 14th, students from Saints Peter and Paul School in Collinsville participated in the Illinois Grade School Music Association District Solo and Ensemble Contest and Coolidge Middle School in Granite City Illinois.

Thank You
Thank you to all who donated to the St. Vincent De Paul Society for my life project for Boy Scouts.
I collected 327 items & collected $478.35.

Totus Tuus
A week-long Catholic parish mission for young parishioners, is coming to Saints Peter and Paul this summer from July 11 to July 18, 2015.  This is a program, led by a diocesan trained team of college students, designed to help our young people to develop a closer relationship with Jesus through learning, playing, and worship opportunities.  The topics for instruction focus this summer will be Virtues and Beatitudes and the Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary.

You may remember that this same program was conducted most successfully in our parish in the summer of 2014. We anticipate another successful program this summer and solicit the help of every member of our parish to make it so.  Our present effort is to raise funds in support of this program through the sale of Braided Breads and Cookies. The Parish team will be selling these items after this weekend’s masses and we ask that you treat yourselves to truly wonderful bakery by taking some home. This fund raiser is well on the way to covering expenses for this Totus Tuus program. Please help us to take it over the top. If you miss this sale at mass this weekend, please contact Kimberly Zagorski at the Parish office 345.4343 ext. 302.   Thank you. The Saints Peter and Paul Totus Tuus Team.

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