Backpack News – August 22, 2014

SSPP Backpack NewsBack to School Soccer Game

Due to the excessive heat warning, the back to school game has been postponed.  A future date will be determined.

In addition, the Kindergarten games scheduled for tomorrow a.m. (Saturday) have been postponed.


Family/Soccer Mass and Back to School BBQ

Sunday, August 24, 10:30 a.m. Mass. Students will line up with their team/coach at 10:20 a.m. in the back of church. Players should wear their uniform. Remember NO spikes/cleats. Soccer pictures are immediately after Mass, then stay and enjoy lunch, sponsored by the SSPP School Board.

Allergy Alert

Please be aware that we have a number of students with severe peanut allergies.  Although peanut products are not banned, please be considerate when sending treats or packing lunches.  Your cooperation is appreciated. 


Sunday, August 24                   Family Mass, Back to School BBQ, and Soccer Pictures after 10:30 a.m. Mass

Monday, September 1              Labor Day, No School
Wednesday, September 10       Papa John’s Pizza Night (SSPP receives 20% from your order!)

September 15-19                      Iowa Basic Skills Testing

Back to Stinging

Sweatshirt orders are due to the office by Wednesday, August 27th.  NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please send payment along with your order and choose the size carefully/correctly.  There will be no refunds or exchanges due to sizing error.  Next chance to order will be before Christmas.

Latchkey Fees

One Child :   

Daily a.m. $7.50, p.m. $12.50, a.m. & p.m. $17.50, Weekly a.m. & p.m. $82.50

Two Children:

Daily a.m. $10, p.m. $18, a.m. & p.m. $25, Weekly a.m. & p.m. $120

Three Children:

Daily a.m. $12.50, p.m. $22.50, a.m. & p.m. $32.50, Weekly a.m. & p.m. $155

Four Children:

Daily a.m. $15. p.m. $30, a.m. & p.m. $40, Weekly a.m. & p.m. $195


The 2014-15 auction planning is underway. It is our largest school fundraising revenue generator! The auction this year will be Saturday, November 8th at the KC Hall. The theme this year is “Picture This.”

1st:  Please “Save the Date.” Official invitations and more information will be sent out next month.

2nd:  In today’s Friday Folder you will receive a copy of the donation request form. We are asking everyone to please help in soliciting donations. Most folks are more than happy to donate. We just have to ask…. employers, local establishments that you frequent, family, neighbors, etc.   You may also download copies from our website and forward via email to prospective donors.

3rd:  We look forward to updating and sharing current information about the auction and auction items we have received. We will be sharing this information on our school website soon… stay tuned..


Each year, the auction is chaired by the 4th grade class and shadowed by the 3rd grade class, however, anyone and everyone is welcome to help!  Our next Auction Planning Meeting will be on Tuesday, 9/2/14, at 6:00 p.m. in Morris Hall.  If you interested in volunteering or learning more about the auction, please feel free to attend.  Any questions, please contact Renee Crowder or Stacy Deadmond.

Girls Shoes

3 pairs of girls shoes – 1) adidas size 4 1/2 soccer shoes, 2) nike size 5 1/2 basketball shoes, and 3) adidas size 4 1/2 basketball shoes. If anyone is interested in having them (FREE), please fast-direct me Patty Martz.

Santa’s Cottage Help!

Looking for a new chairperson(s) for Santa’s Cottage to shadow this year and take over next year! Shadowing will start with going to the open house at Tribouts on Thursday, Sept. 4th. Interested-please contact Kathy Williams.



View more about SCRIP here

You received information in your summer packet and in today’s Friday Folders!  If you have additional questions, call a school board member or the office.

SCRIP: The school office carries a variety of scrip cards and can order almost anything. Go to for the complete list. The school receives different percentages back on each card purchased. If you know you’ll be shopping at a specific store (ie shopnsave, etc) or dining at a specific restaurant (ie olive garden, etc), or paying your store charge (ie kohl’s, etc), please think about purchasing them from school. Thanks for your support!

SCHNUCKS E-SCRIP CARD: If you don’t have one, contact the school office and we will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout – That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?

COKE REWARDS: SSPP is registered in the Coke Rewards program. Search Coke Rewards and register to help or send your collected caps to the office. We will redeem the points at some time in the near future, hoping to add to our physical education equipment collection.
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders:Band schedule (those participating 4-8), Youth Group schedule (7&8) Auction Donation Letter

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