Backpack News January 23, 2015

Catholic Schools Week
Sunday, January 25
School Board sponsored pizza party in school after 10:30 a.m. Mass,
Basketball and Volleyball pictures in Gym, Open House in school

Monday, January 26
Spelling Bee: K-4 9:30 a.m., 5-8 12:45 p.m.

Tuesday, January 27
Open House at school 12-2p.m., Protecting God’s Children: 6:30 p.m. Morris Hall,
8th grade fundraiser at Applebee’s (Must Have the Flyer) Buy Scrip too!

Wednesday, January 28
Community Service Day

Thursday, January 29
Class Wars 12:30 p.m.

Friday, January 30
8th graders will student teach

8th Grade Fund Raiser
The 8th grade class is having a fundraiser at APPLEBEE’S on Tuesday, January 27th , for their Chicago trip. We will receive 15% of sales if flyer is presented. Flyers are being sent home today and via Fast Direct. As an extra bonus, Applebee’s will honor the flyer all day!!

The 8th grade class is participating in a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser. We hope you will consider supporting our efforts by purchasing a Buy 1 dozen and get I dozen free card. They are $13 each. The card is good at any Krispy Kreme establishment NATIONWIDE. It will allow you to get 10 free dozen doughnut coupons for just $13. These cards do NOT have an expiration date. They are available for purchase in the school office.

Any parent/guardian who may coach, want to be a field trip chaperone, classroom helper (room parent), playground supervisor or lunch helper must complete the Protecting God’s Children program plus have a Background Check processed. This is in accordance with the Safe Environment policy of the Springfield Diocese. We may be contacting you to resubmit a background check as they are good for only 5 years.

Here at SSPP, Collinsville, Tuesday, January 27th, 6:30–9:30 p.m., Morris Hall
These upcoming sessions are listed on the diocesan website (, under Safe Environment Program.
St. Paul’s, Highland, February 5th , 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Ss. Peter & Paul, Alton, February 11th, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
St. Paul’s, Highland, March 5th , 6:30-9:30 p.m.
St. Paul’s, Highland, April 9th , 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Delta Epsilon
Thank you to Delta Epsilon Chapter #101 for providing our Kindergarten students with a free book A Bad Case of Stripes. This chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society hopes that this book will promote family literacy activites as well as develop early literacy skills.

SS. Peter and Paul Trivia Night
Saturday February 21, 2015
SSPP Gymnasium -Doors open at 5:30, Trivia starts at 6:30 p.m., cost is $100/Table of 8 or $15/person

We welcome all… please reach out to family and friends and put together a table or two. 2) Please consider a donation – each class will sponsor a trivia round

Please consider donations of gift cards, lottery cards, themed baskets, tickets etc. for the raffles.

Still looking for volunteers to help the night of the event – It’s a fun night!
Any questions, Fast Direct Kelley Gaither, Mary Lowe, Maggie Grotefendt, or Renee Crowder.

SSPP Shop With Scrip
SSPP’s enrollment code: 17B3D3639324
Payment by check, cash or Presto Pay is accepted.
Payment is required BEFORE your order will be placed.

Friday Folders Inserts
Catholic Schools Week Agenda
Applebee’s Dining to Donate Fundraiser Flyer
Yearbook Order Form
Trivia Night Class Contest
Living the Eucharist (oldest/only)
February Altar Server Schedule

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