Backpack News January 30, 2015

The weather has allowed us to have our Catholic Schools Week activities as planned. We tried to offer a variety of activities that highlighted the theme. We had two great Spelling Bees. The spellers at both levels did a fantastic job at chewing out words above their grade levels. The winners and participants will be listed in the Backpack News. We had a great Open House with a number of prospective students for next year. Please help spread the word about SSPP. We finished the week with our annual Class Wars and the eighth graders took a turn at teaching.

We hosted 16 students from Fr. McGivney HS on Thursday. They helped out in the classrooms and at the Class Wars. It was great to have these students here.

Our Community Service Day was a huge hit. Our firemen, police officers, and city workers were extremely grateful for the special lunch. We also collected can goods for the
St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. Thank you to all who donated.

We celebrated the feast day of St. Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline order, on Tuesday. We have a list of all of the Ursuline nuns who served our school and parish by the office. I’m sure that many of you have fond memories of the sisters. Many of the sisters served here for long stretches of time. Sr. Irene Lex served 55 years in the school.

Let’s all resolve to continue the tradition of excellence that is SSPP. We have a fantastic school and we strive to keep getting better. Thank you to all of the parishioners of the past who sacrificed to build and maintain SSPP. May God continue to bless us with our school. Just think- we will celebrate 150 years of SSPP school in the 2018-19 school year. Isn’t that amazing?

Registration for next year will begin shortly. The school board will be meeting next week to discuss tuition and fundraising.

Kudos To
The Student Council for sponsoring the Class Wars.

The School Board for the Pizza Party last Sunday.

Mrs. Wilde for sponsoring the Spelling Bee, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Laswell for serving as a judges, and Mrs Wepking for emceeing the lower floor bee.

We are also pleased to welcome the Tylka family to our school. We are so happy that 8 new students have joined us since December. We are back over 190 students in grades K-8.

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