Backpack News November 21, 2014

Important Dates to Remember
Monday, Nov 24
Market Day & Pie Orders pickup at Johnson Street 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov 25
Student Council Dress Down Down for $1 or more donation

Wed-Fri, Nov 26-28
No School – Thanksgiving Holiday

Tuesday, Dec 2
Santa’s Kottage set up, Advent Rosary at 1:40 p.m.,

Thursday, Dec 4
Santa’s Kottage viewing day, Advent Dress Down Day for $1 or more donation

Friday, Dec 5
Santa’s Kottage buying day

Tuesday, Dec 9
Christmas Program 7 p.m.

Thursday, Dec 11
Advent Dress Down Day for $1 or more donation

Tuesday, Dec 16
Donation deadline for Christmas gifts for Fr. John & Fr. Arisman

Santa’s Cottage
1) Volunteers are needed & appreciated! Please contact Kathy Williams with questions. Tuesday, Dec 2 is set-up.
Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 are viewing and buying days, respectively.
2) Santa’s Kottage is looking for donations of tape, wrapping paper, & small gift bags (paper lunch bag size). If you are able to, please send your donations to the school office. Thanks, in advance, for your help!

8th grade fundraisers
1) Spaghetti Dinner: Saturday, November 22, 5 – 7 p.m. at SSPP school cafeteria. Adults $8, Kids 12 & under $5, children 3 & under are free. Carry Outs will be available.
2) 8th Graders are selling Mary Kay Cosmetics with 40% of total sales going toward their Chicago trip. Limited number of catalogs available at office. Make check payable to SS Peter and Paul School, add 8.1% tax and no shipping fee! Questions, contact Linda Fischer (8th grade mom & Mary Kay consultant) at 345-3432.
3) Mary Kay Cosmetics See & Sample Day: Sunday, November 23, 2 – 4 p. at Judi’s Mary Kay Studio, #10 Lindenwood Drive, Collinsville. Join us for fun, food, prizes & presents!! Questions, contact Linda Fischer (8th grade mom & Mary Kay consultant) at 345-3432.

Auction Results and More
1)The “Picture This” 2014 Annual Auction was a huge success! Thank you all!!! Every family participated: Donations to the class baskets and projects, participation in the raffles, cash and item donations, volunteers, attending the event – EVERYONE CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS!!! We want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your part in making this event a success! Thanks also go to co-chairs, Renee Crowder & Stacy Deadmond!

2) We are finalizing the details with the numbers, however, we are proud to share that we should end up +$94,000. CONGRATULATIONS!! We are looking forward to sharing the positive things to come with the proceeds from RAISE YOUR PADDLE! News in the next few weeks!

3) Invoices/donation receipts from this year’s event are being sent home in today’s backpack. These were generated from the event. If you made a class donation or participated in a raffle or party central, we also kept track of that information for your family fundraising account. Those reports will be generated at a later date. If you have questions regarding your statement, please contact Renee Crowder via fast direct.

4) If you purchased a party central item, certificates will be printed and sent home in a private envelope, the first week of December. ****Hornet Basketball Clinic will be Saturday, March 21, 1 – 4 p.m. at Ss. Peter and Paul School Gym****

5) Photo Booth Pictures: If you had pictures taken at the auction and would like to view them online, please send a fast direct message to Stacy Deadmond and she will get you the code. You can also purchase extra pictures too!

6) If you won one of our baskets you were probably peeling a lot of tape…for that we are sorry. The major issues are making the basket look aesthetically pleasing, but more than anything to keep everything secure when moving and transporting. Tissue paper and other filling items are so costly that it would be impossible for us to make the baskets. That’s why you will also find a wide assortment of recycled materials!!! Sooooo, now the basket room supplies are gone! If you have extra tissue paper or receive it with gifts during the holidays, please recycle! It can be used, it just needs to be clean. Will also need small boxes, small styrofoam blocks, etc. Send into the office!! Once again thanks for your patience!! Melanie Wylie and Karen Smith

Box Tops for Education
Congratulations to Mrs. Scheller’s 7th grade class for winning the classroom box top contest. They will receive a pizza party! Overall, 7200 box tops were collected = $720 for SSPP school!! Keep collecting!!! The next collection turn in will be during Catholic School Weeks (Jan 26-30).

Inserts in Today’s Friday Folders
Kellsie’s Hope flyer
Family Advent Calendar (oldest/only)
Auction Receipts
Mary Kay Cosmetics Fundraiser

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