Backpack News October 10, 2014

Monday, October 13
Columbus Day, No School, KC Soccer Challenge at 5 p.m.

Tuesday, October 14
Market Day orders are due to school

Friday, October 17
Last Day for Market Day orders via internet by 11 p.m.

Monday, October 20
Red Ribbon Week (details below) & Box Top Collection

Tuesday, October 21
Rosary at 1:45 p.m.

Tuesday, October 28
4th Grade Bake Sale

KC Soccer Challenge:
The KC’s will host the Annual Soccer Challenge on Monday, Oct 13th @ 5:00 p.m. @ the Collinsville KC Hall. The Challenge is open to all boys and girls ages 9-14. Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of September 1st. Proof of age is required. Please have your shooters arrive 15 minutes early in order to register. Any questions, give Scott Wobbe a call @ 343-1057.

Market Day:
Market day forms were sent home this past Wednesday with your student!!! Orders to school by Tuesday, Oct 14, or via internet by 11 p.m. Friday, Oct 17. Pick up is Thursday, Oct 23rd from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the Johnson Street doors. If you are interested in selling bulk cookie dough, please contact the office for a specific form. Orders will still be due by October 14th to the office.

Red Ribbon Week: October 20-24
Now is the time to turn in your Box Tops for Education
The Class that turns in the most will receive a pizza party
Monday, October 20
Wear Red Day

Tuesday, October 21
Bring in a Pet donation

Wednesday, October 22
Favorite Team Day

Thursday, October 23 Jean’s Day

Friday, October 24
School Spirit Day

Altar Servers
Altar Servers are still needed! Contact the office or return the form that was sent home a few weeks ago.

Uniform Swap
If you have any out-grown uniforms that you would like to donate, please send to the school office. Thank you to Mary Jines & Jessicca Runnalls for working on this! A table will be set out during Parent/Teacher Conferences for those that are in need of newer uniforms.

Girl Scout Troop 729 Bronze Award
Thanks to everyone who donated costumes for Troop 729’s Bronze Award project! We collected over 150 costumes so far. The winning class, with 39 costumes donated, is 5th Grade. They will receive a cupcake party soon. Contact Amy Mersinger if you have a contact at any organizations who work with families who could use a free Halloween costume.

The SSPP Annual Auction is just a few weeks away! Make your reservations NOW for a fun evening of festivities.
SSPP WEBSITE: Auction Donation and Reservation Forms are now online. Please feel free to forward to potential donors. Check out some of the great items that will be auctioned at this year’s event.
RAFFLE ITEMS: The Teachers and Staff are sponsoring the Beats Dr. Dre Speaker and the School Board is sponsoring the Coach Purse. Tickets are $10 for 1 entry and $20 for 3 entries. Entry forms are in this week’s backpack and available in the school office. Note: You do NOT need to be present to win.
GOLDEN PADDLE: The winner of the Golden Paddle can choose one item (Excluding braces) listed in the Silent, Super Silent or Live Auction, AT NO COST…and you do NOT need to be present to win. One Chance for $20 – Two Chances for $35. Entry forms were mailed with your invitation or you may request one from the school office.
RAISE YOUR PADDLE: Exciting Announcement: We have an anonymous donor that will be matching all donations to our “Raise Your Paddle” (up to $20,000 school auction donation). All proceeds from “Raise Your Paddle” are used for specific needs of the school (not day-to-day operational expenses). This year’s money raised will go toward building our school-based technology infrastructure, bringing our systems up to date and equipment for students and programs focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). This will be a multi-year campaign and we are very excited to kick it off with the matching donor. Donation forms were included with your invitation, or feel free to contact the school office for another copy.
We are happy to announce that due to the outstanding response and success of last year’s fundraising initiatives,
we are now able to include the auction in fundraising tracking. We will offer a credit of 3% to your fundraising
account for the following auction related items:
Tickets to the Event, Donations, “Raise Your Paddle,” and all auction purchases made at the event.

Congratulations to SSPP Alumnus Tanner Barnish for being selected as th CHS Character Education Student of the Month for September. The character trait was “Be Respectful: Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated”.

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders:
Auction Raffle Tickets
Boy Scouts (1-5)
Parent/Teacher Conference Request form (oldest&only)
Kellsie’s Hope Fundraiser

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