Backpack News October 30, 2014

Monday, November 3
No Chess Club
Thursday, November 6
8th Grade Fundraiser at Applebee’s from 5 – 9 p.m.

Friday, November 7
Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass

Saturday, November 8
SSPP School Auction

Monday, November 10
NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day Observed

Tuesday, November 11

Wednesday, November 12
Papa John’s Pizza Night (SSPP receives 20% of your order!)

Friday, November 14
Lifetouch Picture Re-take Day

Sunday, November 16
Soccer Awards after 10:30 a.m. Mass

Sat-Sun, Nov 15-16
Teacher’s Diocesan Conference

Thursday, November 20
Market Day & Pie Orders pickup at Johnson Street 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Wed-Fri, Nov 26-28
No School – Thanksgiving Holiday

8th Grade Fundraiser
Ss Peter and Paul’s 8th grade class is hosting a fundraiser at Applebee’s in Collinsville on Thursday, November 6 from 5 to 9. Just present the flyer that is in this week’s Friday folder to your server & the 8th grade class will receive 15% off of food & beverage (excluding alcohol). This money will be used to help pay for their field trip to Chicago next year. Please tell your friends & families. This may be used for dine in or carry out. If you need an extra flyer, let me know through fast direct or you may make a copy of yours. If you have any questions, please contact Susan McMahon at 618-910-7233. Thank you.

Market Day and Pie Orders
The Market Day Dessert Sale is another way to fulfill your fundraising quota. All orders and payment are due to the office by Tuesday, November 11, 2014, to allow for processing time. The products will be available for pick up on Thursday, November 20, 2014. Extra pie forms are available in the office. Forms were in your student’s Friday Folders yesterday! Remember that this is voluntary, but will go toward your fundraising goal. Our goal is 100 pies. If we reach that goal, you will receive credit for 25% of your total pie sales. Here are some specifics:
1) You MUST use the special form to receive the 25% credit. If you order on the regular Market Day form, you will only receive the regular 10% credit.
2) Payment should be collected when the pie order is placed. Checks payable to: Ss. Peter and Paul School.

Soccer Awards
The Annual Soccer Awards will be presented Sunday, November 16 immediately following 10:30 Mass in the cafeteria. Players K – 4th grade: please bring soft drinks and Players 5 – 8th grade: please bring deserts. We will provide Sausage, Pepperoni and Cheese pizza from Dominoes. If you have any questions, please call Scott Wobbe @ 618-343-1057.

Uniform Swap
If you have any out-grown uniforms that you would like to donate, please send to the school office. Thank you to Mary Jines & Jessicca Runnalls for working on this! A table will be set out during Parent/Teacher Conferences for those that are in need of newer uniforms.

Father McGivney Open House
Sunday, November 9, 1 – 3 p.m. Join our faculty and staff to experience McGivney’s technology, meet our students and tour our school. For more information, call 618-855-9010.

Benefit Dinner
Althoff Catholic High School 50th Annual Benefit Dinner, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine, Belleville. Contact Althoff’s Development Office at 618-235-1124.

CHS Production
The CHS Players & Thespian Troupe 643 will present The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon November 13, 14 & 15 at 7 p.m. at CHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5. SSPP Alumnus Shannon Corgan will be performing as Cinderella.

CHS Parent University
General Traffic Safety for Parents, Thursday, November 20, 6:30 p.m. at CHS Auditorium. Topics include: Texting/distracted driving, seat belt use, child passenger safety, driver’s license renewal/suspension & safety around schools. For more information visit:

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders
Dining to Donate at Applebees’ Nov 6th
At Home with our Faith (oldest/only)
Market Day Pie Fundraiser

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