Important Dates
Friday, October 16
SchoolKidz Fundraiser begins
Mon-Wed, Oct 18-21
Parish Mission
Mon-Fri, Oct 19-23
Red Ribbon Week & Box Top Collection (more info below & see insert in Friday Folder)
Thursday, October 22
GoMath! Webinar at 7 p.m. (more info will follow via Fast Direct next week)
Friday, October 23
Honor Roll Presentations after 8:15 a.m. Mass, PK3 & PK4 field trip
Wed, October 28
4th Grade Bake Sale
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.-6:15 p.m.)
Thursday, October 29
No Bus service, Unit 10 is off, SSPP has full day
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friday, October 30
No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences (8 a.m.–10 a.m.)
Monday, November 2
SchoolKidz Fundraiser ends – Return orders to the school office now
SchoolKidz Voluntary Fundraiser
Parents, you will receive 50% back on every $1 spent to be used towards your fundraising commitment.
Fundraiser begins 10/16 and ends 11/2. Checks should be payable to Ss. Peter and Paul School.
Auction News
Four weeks left until the auction! We hope you can make plans to join us for this really fun event, and show your support for our school! Please send your reservations into the office by this Friday, October 23rd.
Winners will be drawn the night of the auction, and you need not be present to win! Raffle tickets went home in last week’s Friday folders! Payment and completed ticket stubs can be dropped off at the school office. If you need more tickets, the school office has extra. Raffle tickets will also be on sale after all Masses this weekend, October 17th and 18th.
Class Baskets
If you are sending in a contribution for your class basket, please do so as soon as possible. Shopping is underway. There are some very exciting baskets this year.
Donated items should be sent in by Wednesday, October 21st if at all possible. This way we can make sure that they are included in the auction program, which must be printed beforehand.
The Cooler of Spirits
Please continue to send in your donations of beer, liquor and mixed drinks components for The Cooler of Spirits to the school office (via an adult!). Thank you to Mrs. Martin and the teachers for heading up this fun and exciting raffle.
Parish Mission: “Where Is God These Days?” October 18-21
“Evangelization” or “preaching the good news” does not necessarily mean standing on a street corner shouting or waving the Scriptures as people pass by. It encompasses the many ways that we show we are disciples of Jesus.
One way is by invitation: Do you have friends who were raised Catholic and, for one reason or another, now feel alienated from the Church? Do you know someone who may be curious about the Catholic faith community? Do you have family or friends who may benefit from this renewal experience? Invite them to join you.
A complete schedule of the Mission is on page 2 for your planning purposes. Information is also on our website at The Nursery will be available on Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Red Ribbon Week October 19-23
The Class that turns in the most box tops will receive a pizza party!
Monday, 10/19
Camo/Super Hero Day
Tuesday, 10/20
Hats Off
Wednesday, 10/21
Favorite Team Day
Thursday, 10/22
Sock It to Drugs Friday, 10/23
Life is Sweet
Pet Food Donations
We continue to collect dog and cat items for ARF (Animal Rescue Foundation). One donation will get a dress down pass for all students in the same family.
Fr. McGivney News
The first of three public meetings (for parents, prospective parents, interested community members, and faculty/staff) will be held on Monday, November 2nd at 7 PM in McGivney’s gymnasium. The public is invited to give feedback on the proposed strategic planning process (and to tour the new building if you haven’t yet had the opportunity). Questions regarding the meeting or would like to RSVP, please email
Boy Scout Troop 1086 Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, Nov 7th 5:30-8:00pm at the Fairview Heights Elks, 9480 Old Lincoln Trial, Fairview Heights, IL
$10 Adults, $5 kids ages 4-12yrs old, FREE for 3 and under. Pre-tickets sales contact Matt Wilde or at the door.
Inserts in today’s Friday Folders
SchoolKidz Fundraiser (oldest/only)
Band Schedule
Raging Readers (K-6)
GoMath! Parent Letter (oldest/only)
Red Ribbon Week Schedule