November 9, 2017 Backpack News

Saturday, November 11 SSPP School Auction **THIS WEEKEND**

Tuesday, November 14 Student Council 2:30-3 p.m.

Wednesday, November 15 4th & 7th Grades visit St. John’s Adult Day Care 12:45 p.m.

Thursday, November 16 3rd Grade Bake Sale

Friday, November 17 October Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass, 7th Grade Retreat,
Lifetouch Picture Re-take Day

Tuesday, November 21 Veteran’s Day Celebration at Mass

Wed-Fri, Nov 22-24 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, Nov. 30 Engineering Club 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Tuesday, December 5 Christmas Program, 6:30 p.m. in the gym

Friday, December 8 November Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass

Tuesday, December 12 School Advent Reconciliation Service 12:30 p.m., Student Council 2:30-3 p.m.

Wednesday, December 13 Parish Advent Reconciliation Service/ First Reconciliation for 2nd Graders 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 14 8th Grade Field Trip to the Fox Theatre, Book Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Friday, December 15 Dress Rehearsal for Journey to Bethlehem

Saturday, December 16 Journey to Bethlehem after 4:30 p.m. Mass from 6-8 p.m.

Wednesday, December 20 Advent Rosary 1:40 p.m.

Thursday, December 21 11:15 a.m. dismissal, end of 2nd quarter, begin Christmas Break

December 22-January 2 Christmas Break ,   Wednesday, January 3 Classes resume

Where: KC Hall Collinsville Time: 5:30pm

GOLD RUSH FUNDRAISER – Our School will get 80% & Pro Life Ministry 20% of the total cash received. Envelopes for your donation of broken, unwanted or discarded SOLID GOLD JEWELRY ARE AVAILABLE at each Church door and from our School Office. Ask your student to bring one home, either a small or larger size. You can put your donation envelope (with jewelry) in our regular Collection, or drop it off at our School Office. We will sell your items directly to a trusted refinery and receive the highest cash amount possible. You will get a tax receipt if you wish. Start searching jewelry boxes and drawers! Return your envelope ASAP! If all join in, the amount raised could be 20K to 40K. Many Thanks!

8th grade FUNdraising
The following Dine to Donate fundraisers are planned to benefit the 8th grade trip to Chicago. A flyer will be sent home as we get closer to the event. Don’t forget to buy scrip before you go to Applebee’s.
11/16/17 – Appleebee’s Collinsville
12/13/17 – Culver’s Collinsville
Also at the end of November, 8th grade students will be selling Pantera’s pizza which will be made/delivered on January 13, 2018

KC Breakfast Benefit 
Join family & friends at the Collinsville Knights of Columbus Hall, 1 Columbus Plaza, Collinsville IL on Sunday, November 19, 2017, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Breakfast includes: eggs, ham, sausage, potatoes, biscuits, gravy, pancakes, coffee, milk & orange juice. This breakfast will benefit the Cub Scout Troup of Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School.

Get a head start on your Christmas Shopping! Scrip Pre-orders are now being accepted. Please see the insert in your student’s Friday Folders.

Holiday Nuts 
Pecan pieces, Pecan halves, Cashews, Mixed Nuts (no peanuts!), English Walnuts. Limited supply of: Toasted/Salted Pecan halves, Black Walnuts, Sliced Almonds. $13 per 1 pound bag, 2 for $25….
A portion of the net proceeds will go to the SSPP Annual Fund & the 8th Grade Class Trip.

Fr. McGivney Events & Info:
ASPIRE Placement Test & Prospective Parent Breakfast, November 11 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Early Decision Deadline, December 15
For additional information, visit their website at


SHOPWITHSCRIP.COM Please call the school office for the SSPP enrollment code. Additional questions, call the school office at 344-5450.

SCRIP: The school office carries a variety of scrip cards and can order almost anything. Go to or for the complete list. The school receives different percentages back on each card purchased. If you know you’ll be shopping at a specific store (ie shopnsave, etc) or dining at a specific restaurant (ie olive garden, etc), or paying your store charge (ie kohl’s, etc), please think about purchasing them from school. Thanks for your support!

SCHNUCKS E-SCRIP CARD: If you don’t have one, contact the school office and we will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout – That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Honor Roll Window Clings, Scrip Christmas Order Forms, Church Bulletin (oldest/only), Applebee’s Flyer, Band Schedule, Altar Server letter (4-8), Permission Slip for Journey to Bethlehem (3-8)