Principal Notes – August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014     Principal’s Notes       Ss. Peter & Paul School

Principal Notes

Welcome back to another school year! We do have some building updates, although not as drastic as past years.  We have installed new security glass at each entry door and sidelight.  This glass will not shatter, but will hold together if hit.  We will have new security cameras very soon. These cameras offer a much higher resolution and are accessible by computer or phone.  At the same time, we will be installing a new entry buzzer system.  We still have the playground water fountain to install. Hopefully, it will be here soon.

In order to update our School Reach system, I need your help.  If you have changed or added a phone line for emergency contact, please change it on your Fast Direct page.  Then, contact the office and let us know of the change.  Remember that you can have calls on multiple lines for School Reach messages.

If you have not accessed our new website, please do so.  Ryan Klaas has changed the look and format.  It is changing almost daily.  We will have a lot of neat features when it is completed.  I encourage all of you to access fast Direct through the web page.  The more hits our website gets, the higher our listing will be on Google.

All handbooks are on the school website (  Please read all handbooks that apply to you.  Please sign and return the sign-off sheet that was in your school packet. If you have misplaced the form, contact the office and we will send you a new one. The office will be reminding you of missing forms.

It is not too early to get ready for the annual auction. Donations can be dropped off at the office.  Contact Renee Crowder, Stacy Deadmond, any school board member, or the office for more information.  Tickets and reservation forms will be coming soon.

I am proud to announce that our faculty and staff have pledged to each do a $100 quota for our fundraising efforts. Thanks to our super staff.

Miss Stacy

In case you have not heard, this Friday is Miss Stacy’s last day in the office.  She has taken a job with Riverbend Headstart.  We thank her for her ministry here and wish her all the best in her new job.  She will still be co-chairing the auction and be here as a parent.  Marianne Falbe will be replacing her as an administrative assistant, aide, and substitute teacher.  Welcome Marianne!


The Day Care is now known as simply Latchkey.  We no longer employ a Director.  The hours remain the same, both before and after school.  There is a limited, but adequate staff.  I would ask that you try to let us know in advance of your participation in the program, if at all possible.  I will continue to update you on any changes.

Back to School Activities

Don’t forget the annual soccer game next Friday and the BBQ on Sunday!

Kudos to:      Our soccer coaches, soccer board, and athletic directors for getting the soccer seasonoff to a good start.

Debby Johnson , Stacy Deadmond, and Dave Launhardt for their efforts this summer.

The school building looks great.

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