Principal Notes November 20, 2014

We give thanks to God for all of the blessings bestowed upon us!

There will be no Backpack News or Principal’s Notes next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Please keep in mind our SCRIP program for your holiday shopping. I know from personal experience that gift cards beat standing in line for Christmas shopping. The quicker that you return the form, the quicker we can get it ordered for you.

The Advent season begins next weekend (Nov.29-30). Advent is the start of the Church calendar year.

One last call for any phone number changes for School Reach. If you have not been receiving School Reach phone messages, please contact the office. This is the official school notification when school will close for weather. I will try to get school closures on Channels 2, 4, and 5, as well as on Fast Direct. Our virtual lessons will be posted on Fast Direct for now. Eventually, the lessons will be on the website.

The school office will be open on Wednesday, November 26th from 9-noon. The office will be closed from Thanksgiving through Sunday.

Kudos To
Our boys C team for winning the Holy Family basketball tournament.

Market Day
Thank you for your cooperation with the pick-up date change. All orders must be picked up either Monday afternoon or by Tuesday at 3:00pm.

Advent Project
We will sponsor two non-uniform down days; one on December 4th and the other on December 11th. The students may have a non-uniform day for a donation for our Advent project.

FR. John & FR. Arisman
We will also begin collecting for a Christmas gift for Fr. John and Fr. Arisman. You can send it to the office in a marked envelope. The deadline is December 16th.

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