Principal Notes September 5th, 2014


The students may have a dress down day on Sept. 11th for a $1 donation or more toward a gift for Fr. John’s birthday.  We will present the gift to him after Mass on Sept.12th.

It is important that all health, dental, and student information forms are returned to the office.  If you received a reminder about health or dental forms, those must be returned by October 1st.  Students may be refused admission to school, if the forms are not completed and on file.  The health and dental forms MUST be signed by a physician/dentist.  The student information area on Fast Direct needs to be completed by the parent/guardian.  Please remember to hit the change bar after entering new information.

The first Market Day sale will be Thursday, Sept 25th.   The deadline for orders is Sept 16th.  We made over $4500 last year.  That was nearly double the previous year.  Remember that this does qualify for your mandatory fundraising total.

There is a schedule change for parent-teacher conferences.  Conferences will be October 29, 30 and 31.  There will be no school on October 31st.

The school board received a preliminary financial report.  All of our efforts in fundraising have resulted in an excellent report.  The parish subsidy shrank significantly.  Overall, the school expenses went down.  All school parents are to be commended on the terrific response to all of our fundraising and volunteer efforts.  I would like to encourage you to continue with this fantastic effort.  With everyone’s help, we can make a real effort to make tuition affordable.

I have begun our annual drill training.  Over the next couple of weeks, we will do a tornado, fire, and intruder drill.  The earthquake drill was completed today.

Kudos to:

Our parents who have volunteered for room parent duty.

Our auction leaders who are planning a huge night in November.

Back to School Soccer Game

We are still working on a new date for the postponed Back to School soccer game.  The date will be announced when set.


Here are four more tips from Today’s Catholic Teacher magazine.

SCHEDULE SUFFICIENT SLEEP – Good sleep requires a darkened room and no electronic devices!  Primary/Intermediate students need 10 hours.  Grades 6-8 need 9 hours.  Teens need 8 hours.

PREPARE FOR QUIZZES AND TESTS – Make flash cards, outline chapter material, and create individualized study guides.  Don’t depend upon the teacher to make these.  Customize for your student.

BE PUNCTUAL AND RELIABLE – Anticipate a morning routine and traffic to arrive at school before the bell.  Students who are rushed to get in on time take a while to calm down.  Be on time for dismissal.

RE-DIRECT NEGATIVITY – Use disappointments, mistakes, and failures as teachable moments. Help your child develop perseverance and make changes in behavior.  These are important life skills.


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