Principal’s Notes

Just a reminder that new school closing policy is to follow Unit 10 in cases of snow/ice/poor road conditions. We will be open when Unit 10 closes for cold temperatures unless the forecasted wind chill is minus 25 or lower. Students should wear a coat to school, since they do go outside to get to the church, gym, library, and cafeteria. If a student wears a sweatshirt to school as a jacket, they must remove it during the school day, even if it is an approved SSPP sweatshirt.

Our school board is working hard on analyzing tuition and fees for next year. Our fundraising continues to increase. Our goal is still to provide the best Catholic education at the best price.

We have the Yankee Candle fundraiser in progress. This does count toward your family fundraising goal. Don’t forget that Market Day and the Scrip are always available to count toward fundraising.

Saturday night is our annual trivia night. I hope that you can join us for what is always a fun evening. Special thanks to all who have worked toward the success of this event.

We received a check from the Collinsville Rotary Club to use for a school related expense. Thank you to the club members for their generosity.

Kudos To
SSPP alumnus, Sam Caputo. Sam was featured in the News-Democrat
magazine section last Sunday for his office of Student Council president at CHS

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