Principal’s Notes

Our school and parish community looks forward to a wonderful First Communion Sunday with our second graders. I want to thank Mrs. Bozzardi for her hard work in preparing our students for their special day.

I would like to remind you that all financial obligations need to be met before you can receive the final report cards. That includes tuition, library fines, lunch, etc. Permanent records will not be transferred until all obligations are met.

I would once again like to thank all of you who have worked so hard to increase our fundraising this year. A statement letter will be mailed soon. Anyone who has met their goal as of April 30th may begin to fundraise for next year immediately. If you have not met your goal, you have until May 15th to add to your total.

Don’t forget that next Tuesday evening is our annual Fine Arts Festival. The program begins at 6:30 p.m. The always amazing art exhibit will be set up in the cafeteria. We are holding a Spring Book Fair in Manning Hall that will be open before and after the program. Your student’s art projects will be for sale as well.

Please help spread the word about our Preschool and Summer Latchkey. We have a great program at a great price.

One week to go to the SSPP Golf Tourney at Stonewolf. We are very close to a full tournament. Thanks to Renee and John Crowder for chairing this event. It is our second largest school fundraiser.

Kudos To
Fontez Mark and Jessica Runnalls who are leaving the school board.
We do have one opening if you are interested.

To SSPP alumnus, Ian Howard, who placed second in the Illinois State Skills USA contest (electronics technology).

Math Series
We have chosen our Math series for next year. We will be using GoMath from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for K through 8th. The Algebra series will be Envision from Pearson. We were impressed by the many features of GoMath, including online video tutorials for students (and parents). The students will have a consumable book plus access to the on-line sources. The 6-7-8th grades will have the series on the Chromebooks. We have been promised a parent workshop after school starts. The Algebra series is a challenging high school level course that also has online sources.

Other Curriculum News
We will continue to use Shurley English, but the series has new on-line sources. We will continue to use the Sadlier religion series. The 6-8th grade will not have a religion book, but will have an e-book.

Tech News
We will be publishing the Chromebook contract on our website and sending it via Fast Direct. The actual contract will be included in the Summer Packet. After you receive the summer packet, you will need to sign and return the contract. We will send a copy with the Chromebook passwords.

Summer Latchkey
I want to remind you to return the summer latchkey form as soon as possible. I want to make sure that I have enough staff and materials for the summer. Remember that Totus Tuus and the cooking classes are included in your fees.

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