Principal’s Notes

August 21, 2015

The first week of school has gone very well. We are moving toward that “normal” school routine. However, nothing is just normal or ordinary here at SSPP. We have extraordinary students, staff, and parents and it shows every day! Although we have experienced some small setbacks with our electronic learning, we have overcome the difficulties due to the diligent work of Mrs. Wepking, Ms. Christian, and our faculty. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to learn together. If you experience any issues, please contact the teacher and we will look for a solution. We are one of the few schools in our diocese with an enrollment increase.

In order to update our School Reach system, we need your help. If you have changed or added a phone line for emergency contact, please change it on your Fast Direct page. Then, contact the office and let us know of the change. Remember that you can have calls on multiple lines for School Reach messages.

Keep using our school website ( We will continue to keep improving it. Special thanks to Ryan Klaas for his work in managing the site. I encourage you to go to Fast Direct through the website. Our Google standing has increased due to the use of our website.

Don’t forget the Back-to-School BBQ on Sunday after 10:30 Mass. The students will receive a dress down day pass for attending. We will attempt to have the festivities outside, but will move to the cafeteria for threatening weather. It is Catechetical Sunday and the staff will receive a special blessing for their special ministry. It is also Soccer Sunday with team pictures after the 10:30 Mass.

It is not too early to get ready for the annual auction. Donations can be dropped off at the school or parish office. In the last two years, our profit has allowed us to freeze tuition. The Raise Your Paddle money was essential in purchasing the Chromebook technology currently being used. Our plan is to use the profits this year to expand our Chromebooks to 4th and 5th grade and to purchase the electronic learning for all grades. If you can help in any way, at any amount of time, talent, or treasure, WE NEED YOU!

Our soccer players are allowed to wear their uniforms or clinic shirts to school on the days of games. The kindergarteners can wear theirs on Fridays. Students who play football for the Jr. Kahoks may also wear their uniforms on game days.

Please review the uniform code, especially sock, shoes, and shorts. I have noticed some very short shorts. Students may not wear dress shoes; that includes boat shoes or loafers. Also, students must always wear socks. Socks may be knee, calf, or ankle length. Footies or socks that only cover the toes and sole are not considered socks. If you can’t see any part of the sock without removing the shoe, it is not allowed. If your student has purchased high top athletic shoes, they may be asked to show their socks. Picture day and dress down days have special provisions. If you are unsure, you can always ask the office.

You will receive a Family Agreement form in the Friday folder. This form has been mandated by the diocese and addresses same sex, divorced, separated couples, etc. Please read carefully, complete, and return to the office.

Also a reminder that all kindergarteners and sixth grade students must have a current physical with shot records in the office by October 15th. This year there are no exemptions. Any student in those grades without a current physical cannot attend any Illinois school after Oct.15th until a form is made current. Contact Marianne in the office if you have any questions.

Thank you for all of your prayers for my wife’s recovery from hip replacement surgery. She is progressing well and on schedule.

Kudos to:
All of our soccer coaches and our new coordinator, Dom Marchetti, for a great start to the new year.

Our 7/8 Boys soccer team for coming so close to a championship in the SJN Tournament. They lost to St. Clare on penalty kicks. (They had some minor revenge the following Monday when they beat St. Clare 3-1.)

The following is an excerpt on Promoting Proactive Attitudes from Today’s Catholic Teacher:

1) Academic performance includes quizzes, tests, homework, classwork, projects, and participation. Review work regularly. Adjust study habits as needed.

2) Effort represents the degree to which a student comes to class prepared, stays on task, participates in class, cooperates with teacher instruction, copies down assignments, completes assignments neatly and accurately, submits homework on time, and meets deadlines.

3) Conduct represents the consistency with which students cooperate with teachers, adults, and peers. Satisfactory conduct is demonstrated by positive attitudes in all areas of school life.

4) Attendance/ Punctuality affect learning and socialization. Try to schedule routine medical visits after school hours. Honor the published school calendar when planning vacations. There is a direct correlation between attendance and class success.

In all ways, show positive support for the school, administrators, teachers, and staff. Speak positively in front of your children. If you have a disagreement, schedule a conference to speak in confidence. Avoid gossip and the temptation to fight another person’s battle. Turn student whining into a teachable moment. Don’t argue over who is right or wrong. Say something like, “The teacher has a perception that you acted negatively. How can you change that?”

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