Principal’s Notes

Next week, we will begin the Iowa Basic Tests testing for grades 3, 5, 7 & 8. We will be testing Monday through Friday. It is important that the students get plenty of rest and are here during the day. Please try to reschedule any appointments. Most of the tests are being administered during the morning. Thanks for your cooperation.

It is important that all health, dental, and student information forms are returned to the office. If you received a reminder about health or dental forms, those must be returned by October 1st. Students will be refused admission to school after October 15th, if the forms are not completed and on file. The health and dental forms must be signed by a physician/dentist.

The student information area on Fast Direct needs to be completed by the parent/guardian. Please remember to hit the change bar after entering new information.

Many of you have asked me how my wife is doing. She is progressing well. She is walking a lot without a cane. She is bored to tears and driving me crazy, which means she is getting back to normal. Thanks for your prayers and get wells wishes.

Kudos To
Our teachers and staff for working hard to create a Christian learning environment, while incorporating the new technology.

Happy 69th Birthday to Fr. John! The students will be presenting him a gift after Mass tomorrow.

Parking Lot
It is important that everyone follows the pick-up/drop-off directions. We have implemented these to try to ensure the safety of all of our students. Please remember the following:

You should never stop on Morrison to let out students. I see people coming down Morrison in both directions at high rates of speed and on their cell phones. Please pull into one of the parking lots.

If you come into the office in the morning, please park on the east side of the lot closer to 159 or along the fence. You still need to exit by way of the north gate closest to school on Morrison.

When leaving the south lot, always turn right and go towards Johnson Street, use Center Street to head south. We need to avoid blocking Morrison Street.

Once construction starts on the new gathering space, we will probably have to reissue directions and make some temporary changes. That would be in February or March.

Life Chain
The annual Right to Life “Life Chain” will be held on Sunday, October 4th. There will be sign up slips coming home soon. Please consider spending a couple of hours with your child for this event.

New Technology
Thank you for your continued patience and support with our new technology and new subject series. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the teacher, Mrs. Wepking, Ms. Christian, or myself. We are learning as we go too.

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