Principal’s Notes

We have completed our Iowa Basics Testing. I want to thank all of the parents who made sure that our students were here. We have very few make-up exams. We will be completing those next week.

If you are missing required school forms, you will be receiving a Fast Direct or mailing from the office. If you have any questions, please contact the records secretary, Marianne Falbe, by calling or messaging the office.

All students who will be playing any sport here at SSPP must have a current physical on file with the office. Coaches are instructed to not allow any student to practice without a physical. Coaches will be receiving copies of their players’ physicals. Students also must adhere to the school policy about grades. Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook, pg. 10.

We received word today that Cooper Allen Bergman was born through an emergency birth today at 10:21am. Our text said that he was “itty bitty and has a few issues” so prayers would be appreciated.

You may have read or heard about the first set of test scores for the public schools. Those scores were for the PARCC test and they were taken for the first time last spring by public school students. Our students take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. This year is the second time we have administered this test. Our 8th graders are the first group to have the test twice and that gives us some comparison data.

As a state recognized school, we are obligated to adhere to the current state standards in the core subjects. Religion is not a core subject of the state. We have our own diocesan standards for religion. Our student data is not included in any of the scores that were released.

Kudos to our parents who have volunteered to coach our basketball teams.

Life Chain
We are encouraging as many students, parents, grandparents, and friends as possible to participate in the Annual Life Chain at SSPP on Sunday, October 4th. Parents are encouraged to stand with the children.

This event is fast approaching. All donations are gladly accepted. Don’t forget the date is November 14th.

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