Principal’s Notes

The annual Pet Blessing begins at 1:40 p.m. tomorrow. The students will start coming out at 1:30 p.m. All pets are welcome, but please make sure they are leashed or contained.

The end of the first quarter will be Friday, October 9th. We are planning to have report cards available on Wednesday, October 14th on Fast Direct. If you want a hard copy, you must call and request one from the office. Parent –Teacher conferences will be scheduled for October 28th, 29th, and 30th, but you may contact your student’s teachers before then with any questions or schedule a conference on a different day. Conference request forms will be in next week’s Friday folder. The deadline to be scheduled is Friday, October 16th. There is regular school schedule on Wednesday, October 28th and 29th, and no school on Friday, October 30th to accommodate conferences.

We are offering a Cardinals playoff dress down day pass for at least a $1 per family donation to the St. Louis Cycle for Life Cure Cystic Fibrosis event. We are sponsoring MaKenna Wright’s cycling team -MaKenna’s Dream Team. MaKenna is a new 5th grader here at SSPP and we are glad to help. The pass will allow students and staff to wear Cardinals shirts or sweatshirts on all days the Cardinals play a playoff game. Students must wear uniform pants. At least one day is certain – Friday, October 9th. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, we will allow those misguided fans of other playoff teams to wear their shirts as well.

We will be collecting donations of pet food and items for ARF (Animal Rescue Foundation) during the month of October. Students will receive a dress down day coupon for their donation. One donation will get the coupon for all students in the same family. Our hall bulletin board theme is Respect Life and features St. Francis, patron of animals, and St. Rocca (Roch), patron of dogs.

Please keep in mind that students who play sports cannot have an F and be eligible to play. That grade is cumulative and computed every Thursday. If you have any questions, you can contact me.

Don’t forget that the Parish Mission starts on Oct 18th and runs through Oct 21st. That will also be Red Ribbon Week here at school.

Kudos To
Our volunteer basketball coaches.
Our junior high youth who will be participating in Cardboard City this weekend.
Our school participants in this Sunday’s Life Chain.

Sex Offender Registration
You have public access to the list of registered sex offenders on the Illinois State Police website. It is my duty as principal to inform you of this availability.

School Reach
All new parents have been added to the School Reach phone alert system. You may add up to 5 separate lines. Send a Fast Direct message to LouAnne with the additional numbers and she will add them. If anyone has changed numbers, please message her as well with the new numbers.

Internet Update
Thanks for your patience the past two days while we had connectivity problems. We seemed to have found the problem and will be correcting it permanently in the coming weeks.

Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be Oct. 4-7. The fair will be in Manning Hall. It will be open after 10:30 a.m. Mass this weekend. Students who donate to the All For Books Campaign will receive a dress down day coupon good until the end of the semester in December.

Shannon Gittemeier will begin teaching theology at Marquette High School next Monday. She will continue as Jr. High youth group coordinator through October.

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