Principal’s Notes

We have reached the end of the first quarter. Of course, this time is important to evaluate the students’ progress. It is also a good time for you to check your fundraising total. You should be at $50, $75, or $100 in order to evenly divide the requirement.

The last two years have seen great success in achieving the diocesan recommended goal of 40% parish, 40% parents, and 20% fundraising. Through the extraordinary efforts of all of our parents and donors we have surpassed the 20% goal for fundraising. Subsequently, the amount paid by parents and the parish has fallen well below the 40% mark. Remember that we have not had a tuition increase the past two years. Wouldn’t it be great to have a tuition decrease? That would become a reality if we continue to increase our fundraising amounts.

The auction is now one month away. This is our first big fundraiser. Many people have already contributed many hours to make it a success. Please do whatever you can to help with the success of this event. No donation or amount of service is too small.

We have finalized the dates for the other three big fundraiser events. On January 29, we will host a Cosmic Bingo in the gym at 7 p.m. Word is that it is a wild and entertaining evening! On February 27, we will have our annual Trivia Night in the gym. The SSPP golf Tourney is schedule for May 13.

Our students attend Mass twice a week and they have been impressive with their singing, reading, and participation. All are welcome to join us on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:15 a.m. You will be able to share in the joyfulness of youth as we celebrate our faith. Remember to keep your commitment to take your children to Mass every weekend. It is time well-spent now and in the future.

Please fill out the parent/teacher conference form that will be in this week’s Friday folder and return to the office or homeroom teacher by October 16th. Conferences will be scheduled on a first come basis. Conference times cannot be guaranteed on any forms that are returned after that date. The office will be scheduling conference times. Conferences will be held October 28th, 29th and 30th.

Basketball season has started and I am grateful for the hard work done by Mr. Winterbottom, our athletic director. Thanks to all of our coaches for giving of their time and talent in the coaching ministry. Please refer first to the athletic handbook for any questions and proper procedure about any concerns. It should be a great season!

If your student donated to the St. Louis Cycle for Life Cure Cystic Fibrosis event, they were given a Cardinal Dress down pass. Those students can wear Cardinal shirts and sweatshirts with uniform pants/shorts on the days the Cards have a game. Tomorrow, October 9th is the first day. The next possible days will be Tuesday and Thursday (October 13th and 15th).

Kudos To
Our yearbook photographers. Our parent volunteers are really great.
Our students who are doing an exceptional job participating at Mass.
Our student of the month winners for September.

Iowa Basic Tests
We are planning to send the results home next week for parents in grades 3, 5, 7 and 8. Our 8th grade is the first group to take the test a twice. Their results as a class were fantastic as the class improved in every test subject area. The class average was in the 60th percentile overall. Great job 8th grade!

You will be receiving information soon about a webinar for our GoMath series. It will be held on Oct. 22nd at 7 p.m. You will be given an invite to register on line and join the webinar from your home or office. The session will be recorded in case you aren’t available.

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