Principal’s Notes

Report cards have been available for viewing since Wednesday. Please print, sign, and return the report or message via Fast Direct to verify that you have seen it. Contact the office, if you have trouble viewing it or want a hard copy.
1st Quarter Honor Roll Presentations will be held next week Friday, 10/23, after 8:15 a.m. Mass.

Parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 28th, 29th, and 30th. Thanks to all who responded so quickly with your request form. You will get a conference schedule in next week’s Friday folder.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week when our school reinforces the anti-drug and anti-bullying message. Please see the Backpack News for the daily dress-up days. Every student who participates gets a sticker to wear during the day.

We continue to collect dog and cat items for ARF. All students who donate receive a dress down day pass.

Kudos To
Jonelle Chambers and her volunteers for a successful Book Fair.
All who have donated auction items.

Athletic Grade Checks
Students who are playing sports will not be eligible to play games, if they have one failing grade. I used the first quarter grades this week. Students with one F will be ineligible for one week. They can regain eligibility at the next grade check. Grade checks are done each Thursday.

Test Results
I want to congratulate our 8th grade students for some excellent class scores in the Iowa Testing. The class scored some of the highest class scores since I have been here. That includes Math computation which has historically been a low point for our students. Our top five students were above the 89th percentile in composite scores, also.

Math Webinar
This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, October 22nd at 7 p.m. I will send more information about registering when I receive it. We are planning to have the session recorded in case you cannot attend. The Friday Folder will have an information sheet on GoMath. Please look it over.

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