Principal’s Notes

These notes will be a day early due to the off day on Friday.

The October Students of the Month will receive their certificates on Friday, Nov. 6th.

Don’t forget the annual school auction on Saturday, November 14th. It is always a great time and is so important in raising funds for the school. The auction is the biggest fundraiser for the school and parish. Check the website next week for a list of items. Thanks to all who are working so hard to make this a profitable evening.

Parent-teacher conferences begin today. I would like to remind you that you can always schedule a conference with the teachers if you have concerns.

We are happy to welcome the Crawford family to SSPP. Sydney is in the 3rd grade. Mya and Miles are first graders. It is great to have you here!

Kudos To
Our students for their donations for the Animal Rescue Foundation.

Our auction workers for the fantastic amount of time and effortdone to get ready for this year’s auction.

Alumni News
Mira McAtee (Class of 2015) just missed qualifying for the IHSA cross Country sectionals for FMCHS.

Jarod Silhavy (class of 2013) also had a successful Cross Country season for FMCHS as well.

Alex Langenstein (Class of 2012) scored the winning penalty kick for Althoff in the regional soccer championship.

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