Principal’s Notes

There will be no school on Monday in recognition of the Casimir Pulaski holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, March 3rd weather permitting.

Registration forms for next school year will be sent next week after the March 3rd board meeting. There will be a registration fee of $150 per family. That fee will be deducted from your tuition total.

I have begun teacher evaluations. As always, our teachers create wonderful lessons with technology. We are also examining two Math series for next year. Yesterday we had a presentation on Go Math! Next week, we will preview the Envision Math series. One of these will be in use next school year.

The students take turns going to Adoration on Thursdays and Stations of the Cross on Fridays. Next week grades 5-8 attends Thursday and K-4 on Friday.

We had a great Trivia night last Saturday. The attendance was the largest ever and over $6000 was raised. Thank you to all of the families who participated, worked, organized, emceed, set-up, and clean-up. It was a great school effort!

We have Sofiya Knebel from Marquette HS, Andrew Crites, and Jacob Hempen from Gibault HS helping us for their senior service project. Sofiya is here this week. Jacob and Andrew are here for three weeks.

Kudos To
The trivia committee for a great event. Our profit was up 40% from last year.

Sam Caputo, SSPP alumnus, was featured on the News-Democrat magazine for his work as Student Council president at CHS.

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