Principal’s Notes

We have begun celebrating the season of Advent here at SSPP with some special events. Fr. John blessed our Advent wreath to remind us of Jesus’ coming. The feast of the Immaculate Conception is next Tuesday. All students will be attending Mass. We will hold an Advent rosary next Tuesday afternoon. All are welcome to join us. The students will have a reconciliation service on Dec. 15th at 12:30 p.m. Parents and parishioners are welcome. Our second graders will make First Reconciliation next Wednesday night.

Our annual Christmas program was last Tuesday. As usual, the students did a marvelous job of preparing us for Christmas. I would like to thank Mr. Sladek and Mrs. Popovchak-Erickson for their hard work in creating such a great event!

Every year, the students present Father John with a Christmas gift. If you would like to contribute, please send to the office in a marked envelope. If money is tight, perhaps your child(ren) can sign a Christmas card for him instead. I’m sure that he will appreciate either. The deadline is Tuesday, December 15th.

Our school wide Advent project has begun. This year we are asking for monetary or generic Scrip card donations. The deadline is December 15th. Send your donation to the office in a card marked Advent project. In the past, we have encouraged the students to give of themselves and not just ask the parents for money. We have dress down days next Monday and Thursday for a $1 or more donation per family.

Second quarter grades will be available after school on December 18th. Honor roll certificates will be awarded on Jan. 15th. December Student of the Month will be awarded on Jan. 8th.

Kudos To
Congratulations to our 7th grade boys team who won the championship at the Holy Family basketball tournament

In the last Principal’s Notes, I wrote a reminder about the school uniform policy. I am going to highlight a different area of the Parent Handbook over the next few weeks. This week is the Social Media Policy on page 40. Please reread that policy before or after you read the following.

I realize that Facebook and other forms of social media offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with family and friends. However, during my limited Facebook use, I have noticed that harmless messages can lead to some inappropriate comments and threads. If you started the thread, you could be guilty by association with everything that follows.

Before you post something about school or a school related activity, reread the message. Be careful if you post pictures of students that are not your own children. In the past, I have fielded concerns from SSPP parents, parishioners, and people from other schools. If anyone at all has a problem with a post, it probably makes its way to me.

The SSPP latchkey will be closed after the morning of Dec. 18th until school resumes on Jan. 4th. There will be no latchkey after dismissal on Dec. 18th, so our staff can attend the parish staff Christmas party.

Snow Days
In the event of a school closure due to weather, you will be contacted via School Reach starting at 6:00 am. The Latchkey will also be closed if school is closed. If school is closed after 6:30 am and you have already dropped your child off at latchkey, we will stay open long enough for you to make arrangements for pick-up. Please remember that we are no longer automatically closed if Unit 10 is closed, especially if the closure is due to cold temperatures.

Happy St. Nicholas Day
December 6th. 


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