Principal’s Notes

Registration for next school year will be included in the Friday Folder tomorrow. If you do not receive it, please contact the office. I am happy to report that due to our extreme fundraising success, we will have NO INCREASE in tuition or fundraising next school year.

I do anticipate an increase in school expenses. Most of that is due to diocesan issued salary and benefit scales. Our teachers and staff are very deserving of the minimal raise that they get each year. If we can continue to raise funds at the current rate, we will be able to cover expenses without increasing tuition. We will also roll out a fundraising incentive program at a later date.

Next year will be very exciting with the addition of Chromebooks and E-learning for grades 6-8. We will have a new interactive Math series in all grades. All of this would not be possible without all of the support and effort in our fundraising events. We will be adding a fourth event next year.

You still have two months to complete your fundraising goal. If you are concerned that you won’t make it, please contact the office. We will be glad to give you some suggestions. We need every family to do their part.

The third quarter ends Friday, March 13th. Report cards will be ready on the following Wednesday after noon.

Kudos To
Our 8th grade girls Volleyball team for winning the Fr. McGivney Invitational Tournament last weekend.

John and Renee Crowder on the birth of their grandson, Arlo. Congrats also to Uncle Joe and Uncle Jim Crowder.

All who made our Yankee Candle sale a success. We did nearly $5000 in sales.

Summer Information
You can begin to sign up for Summer Latchkey. We will need to know how many students will be coming in order to plan for staffing. Please call or message the office to sign up.

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