Principal’s Notes

On Thursday, we celebrated the Feast of St Joseph. He is the patron saint of fathers. Since we are never in session on Father’s Day, it is a great opportunity to say thanks to our fathers for their guidance. I’m still lucky to have my dad. Let’s give thanks to all fathers for their support and guidance.

Our SIU-E Jr. Olympiad teams recently competed against 35 other teams in a day-long contest that challenges the students to use creativity and critical thinking skills to complete three separate projects. Team #1 finished as the champions of the contest and team #2 finished 5th. Congratulations to both teams and their sponsor, Mrs. Phetsadasack, for their outstanding work! All of us at SSPP are proud of your accomplishment!

The registration process continues. I am pleased to report that we have had a number of new families tour our school as well as register for next year. In an effort to increase our enrollment, I am offering each of you a $100 tuition credit if you refer a new family and they enroll in our PK-8th grade for next year. If you haven’t sent your registration into the office yet, please do so. If you are not returning for any reason, please let us know as well.

You can enroll in our summer latchkey program now. The rates are: $25 per day/$110 per week for one child, $40 per day/$180 per week for two children, $60 per day/$250 per week for three children, and $80 per day/$300 per week for four children. Lunch will be available for $2 per day per child. Please remember that our summer program allows us to offer the latchkey during the school year.

The third quarter has ended and report cards have been posted. If you have trouble viewing them, please contact the office. I would also like to remind you that all accounts should be current. This time of year can be hectic and the end of school will be here before you know it. Remember that your fundraising goal should be met on April 30th.

K.C. Breakfast
Due to the farewell reception for Fr. Arismann this weekend, our KC sponsored breakfast has been postponed until April 12th. Advance tickets are available in the school office. You can get fundraising credit for advance ticket purchases.

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