The annual Blessing of the Pets will be next Friday, October 7th at 1:40 p.m. next to the white house on Morrison. We welcome all controllable pets-big or small. All pets should be leashed or caged. The students will come out at 1:30 and they can leave with you after the blessing. Please let the teacher know that they are going home with you. Parents may park in the Manning Hall lot. We will also line up cars on Johnson Street. We will leave the middle line open for cars to leave. We will have people there for direction.
All students who will be playing any sport at SSPP must have a current physical on file with the office. Coaches are instructed to not allow any student to practice without a physical. Coaches will be receiving copies of their players’ physicals. Students also must adhere to the school policy about grades. Please refer to the Handbook.
Don’t forget the 8th grade Soccer Night game tomorrow night at 5:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus field on Route 157. We will honor our 8th grade team members and parents. Students who bring a food item for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry to school tomorrow will receive a dress down day pass at the game. Students must attend the game to receive the pass.
We are excited to have Kathy Cook as a volunteer tutor this year. Kathy retired from Triad school district and has graciously offered her services. Once a teacher; always a teacher. Thank you for your new ministry!
Next Thursday, October 6th, we will host a representative from the State Attorney General’s office. They will be giving a very informative presentation on digital safety for our students in grades 3-8. This is a follow-up from the presentation last spring at the KC Hall.
Thank you to Mr. Winterbottom for his work as Athletic Director. He continues in his capacity as Assistant Principal. Mrs. Bergman will be coordinating scheduling for games and referees. John Crowder has volunteered to oversee the basketball programs.
KUDOS to: our soccer coaches for another great year
We will not be able to host a fall book fair this year due to space limitations. We will try to have one in spring based upon completion of the new building.
The weekend of Oct. 1st and 2nd is a busy one here at SSPP. There is the Cardboard City for our Jr. High Youth Group. The Life Chain and Chicken/Roast Pork Dinner events are on Sunday. Make plans now to support these events.
The cafeteria will be open for hot lunch on October 17th. There will be some minor changes. The tray will cost $2.50. An extra main will remain $1.50 and extra milk will stay$.50. We will return to serving on washable trays and utensils. A more detailed letter will be sent to you soon. Payment will stay the same, so please check your lunch account balances.