Principal’s Notes

I want to thank all who have registered for next year. As of this moment, we currently have 131 students registered for next year. That is the fastest we have reached that number. We only have 49 current students left to enroll. If you are not returning, please let us know. Don’t forget that you can get a $100 credit on tuition for referring a new family.

I am looking for interested parents who want to serve on the school board. If you want to participate in this special school ministry, send me a message via Fast Direct. Thank you.

The seventh graders will be performing the “Living Stations” this Friday at 1:35. Everyone is welcome to join us.

We continue to explore our options for Chromebook usage next year. We have narrowed the Math series choice to two and we are waiting for price quotes. We are looking at Religion series as well. I have received price quotes on the Shurley English also. Ms. Christian and Mrs. Wepking will be taking a Chromebook workshop in April to help us set up and use our Chromebooks.

Our 8th graders will be on their Chicago class trip on Saturday through Monday. We hope that they enjoy great weather and have a great trip.

This weekend is Palm Sunday. This special liturgy is the opening of Holy Week. I want to encourage all our students to attend the services this Sunday through Easter Sunday.

Thank you to all who contributed to Fr. Steve’s farewell gift. The students presented him with an Eastern Illinois hooded sweatshirt and gift cards to help with his move.

Kudos To
Rosati-Kain HS Math Contest team. Congratulations girls and Mrs. Phetsadasack, the coach.

SSPP Webelos II den that had three boys place in the Pinewood Derby.

Our band a music students who did so well in the Solo and Ensemble Music Contest. We had three first superiors, eleven firsts, and one second. Special thanks to Mr. Sladek and Mrs. Popovchak-erickson for their hard work.

Prayer Request
I am asking that you keep my niece, Cierra, in your prayers. She was critically wounded in the I-70 highway shootings yesterday. She was shot twice and had extensive bleeding. One bullet was removed. The doctors induced a coma to stabilize her in order to remove the second. She was lucky to have been driving a pick-up truck. One bullet was deflected by the frame or she would have been fatally shot in the head. The police do have the shooter in custody.

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