Congratulations to all of our Honor Roll students for the first quarter! We are very proud of their efforts. Due to a Friday funeral, the certificates will be awarded on Tuesday, October 25th after Mass. The October Students of the Month will receive their certificates on Friday, Nov. 18th.
Parent-Teacher conferences are being scheduled. We make every effort to give you your first or second choice. Your time sheet will be in the Friday folder. If you did not return a conference request form and still want a conference, please contact the office immediately. Some teachers are booked full at certain times. Look for your time in this week’s Friday folder.
Don’t forget the annual school auction on Saturday, November 5th. It is always a great time and is so important in raising funds for the school. The auction is the biggest fundraiser for the school and parish. Thanks to all who are working so hard to make this a profitable evening.
Next week we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. We will hold a special rosary service next Tuesday. We hold four rosary services a year. The next one will be in Advent. You are always welcome to join us.
We are very pleased with the cafeteria service provided by Food Service Consultants Inc. The food has been delicious and healthy. All of the trays are created and portioned by a registered dietician. I have an information book and you are welcome to look at it if you have any questions.
I want to remind you that the Johnson Street doors do not open until 7:30 in the morning. You are welcome to drop students off at latchkey from 7:15 until 7:30 at no charge. I also expect more activity on Johnson Street when the weather turns colder. The painters have started in church as well. Thanks for following directions.
KUDOS to: Mrs. Bergman and Mr. Crowder for getting our basketball season
off to a good start.
NOTICE: We have one more week in our October collection of pet supplies for ARF. You can still contribute for a family dress down day pass next week. Thanks to all who have contributed so far.
Barzoff Family: We are collecting donations to send to the Barzoffs, a former SSPP family, who lost their home and possessions in a house fire in North Carolina. Please send any donations to the office marked Barzoff Family.