I have been asked by several parents to clarify some items from the Capital Campaign in regards to air conditioning for the gym and a ramp. I got clarification at last night’s Master Plan Committee meeting. Any items not related to the new building or the church will not be done unless the goal is met and the expenses do not exceed the total. We are not sure why a ramp is included since an elevator would be needed to make the gym/cafeteria ADA handicapped accessible. We are going to purchase 4 large window A/C units for the gym as a temporary measure. If you have any questions about the Capital Campaign, please forward them to me or the parish office.
I’m sure that many of you are anxious to know the success of the annual auction. I don’t have the final numbers, but I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the auction was, as always, an extremely enjoyable evening for all who attended. The 4th grade parents worked extremely hard and produced many wonderful items for bidding. I want to thank all of you for your generosity; those who donated and those who placed bids on items. The bad news is that attendance was down and, consequently, so was the profit. Some of our large donors have not yet made a gift, but that is still possible. The Raise Your Paddle money is way down and will impact some of the tech purchases that we have planned.
We still have some Party Central items available for purchase. A flier will be in this week’s Friday Folder. We will still gladly accept your tax deductible Raise Your Paddle donation. That money was to be spent on the new IXL Math program (which has been purchased), iPads for grades K-3, and replacement Chromebooks. (The Chromebooks will have to be purchased to meet next year’s need.)
Now it is time to pass the auction torch to the 3rd grade parents for next year. Talk amongst yourselves. We need at least two chairs, but this year’s group felt that four made the job easier. If you are willing to step up and meet the challenge, let me know. Thank you in advance!
Kudos to:
Our auction co-chairs and all of those who worked so tirelessly to make the Auction a fun evening.
Our 8th graders who helped at the auction.
The Flower Basket for the donation of flowers for the auction.
Our Student Council for sponsoring the Salute to Our Veterans window.
Tomorrow we enjoy a holiday to celebrate all of our current military, former military, and deceased military. We enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices every day – especially the freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly. We are honored to salute our staff members who are vets- Mrs. Phetsadasack (Navy), Mrs. Martin (Army), Coach Ted Jackson (USMC). We also thank all of our parents who are currently serving or have served in the military. We ask God’s continued blessing for your safety and service.