Principal’s Notes

On behalf of the staff and faculty, I want to wish all of you a blessed Easter. Our Easter break begins tomorrow with an early 11:15 dismissal. School will resume next Tuesday. Please make time to take your children to the Easter Triduum services: Holy Thursday at 7:00, Good Friday at 3:00, the Easter Vigil at 8:30 on Saturday, and Easter Sunday Masses at 8:00 and 10:30.

I want to thank all who have registered for next year. If you have not indicated whether or not your child is returning, you will receive a call checking on their status. We are happy to welcome six new families for next year. We still have room to grow.

We will be offering all day service for the 3 year old preschool students on Tuesday and Thursday next year. We will be sending more information about our summer latchkey program in the next couple of weeks. We are going to upgrade our summer programs with more activities and theme days.

Our last day of school will be Friday, May 15th. It will be an 11:15 dismissal.

Kudos To
Mrs. Martin and our 8th grade students and parents for representing SSPP well on the Chicago trip. They had a great time even though some contracted a short sickness. ( My guess is they were allergic to the Cubs.)

Market Day
Thank you to our parents for their understanding on the pie order delay. We never found out how it happened, but we were glad that they got here in time for Easter.

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