Principal’s Notes

Congratulations to our 8th grade confirmandi. Bishop Paprocki will be here at the 4:30 Mass on Saturday, April 11th to confer the Gift of the Holy Spirit upon them. They have been studying and working very hard this year. I am grateful for the guidance of Mrs. Martin who has been instructing them for the completion of their initiation into the Church.

Registration is nearly complete. I want to thank all who have chosen a “faith first” education for your children. It is a tribute to you to sacrifice during these economic times to send your children to SSPP. We will continue to contact you as a reminder if you have not registered. If you are uncertain or are not returning, please message me.

We are currently creating our Summer Latchkey program. We plan to have more special days and structured activities. One addition will be cooking classes with my wife as the instructor. My wife has done these classes at Franklin School and, until recently, at the Dierberg’s School of Cooking. We have also reset the pricing schedule. The latchkey will be open every day Monday through Friday from 6:45 am to 6:00 pm except June 5th for the parish picnic and July 4th.

Don’t forget the KC Breakfast this Sunday from 9-12:30. You can still buy advance tickets and receive 50% fundraising credit. You only receive the 50% for advanced tickets.

I will be out of the office next Thursday and Friday to attend the Diocesan Principals Leadership Conference in Springfield.

A preliminary school calendar will be sent with the Backpack News. There are three dates that have question marks and are currently undecided. Please make note of these dates.

Don’t forget the SSPP Picnic on June 5-6. Also Totus Tuus on July 12-17.

Kudos To
All of our field trip and activity chaperones. We are fast approaching that time of the school year.

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