Principal’s Notes

This is an abbreviated Principal’s Notes. I am attending the annual Principals Leadership Conference in Springfield this Thursday and Friday.

We continue to register for next year. We have surpassed the 170 student mark. We will be ordering our new Math series for all grades, as well as two other subjects for the Chromebooks. I will need to finalize registration before that time. If your child is not returning, please notify the office. We are still offering a $100 tuition credit for any new student recommended by you. Pass the word to anyone you know that wants a first class faith-filled Catholic education.

We had a great turn-out for the KC Breakfast last Sunday. They served over 150 meals. I want to also thank our teachers who helped to serve. The money is going into our tech fund.

Don’t forget the annual Golf Scramble on May 8th. This very successful fundraiser is second only to our auction. Your support and help is greatly appreciated. Contact Renee Crowder or the office for questions and information.

Look for our summer latchkey registration next week.

Kudos To
Our 8th grade students who completed their initiation into theChurch last Saturday with the gift of Confirmation.

Our Speech team members for an outstanding showing at the Speech Meet. Each of our students earned a first place.

Our fifth graders who completed their five-year commitment to Cub Scouts. They now cross over to the Boy Scouts.

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