Principal’s Notes 8-27-2015

Thanks to all of you who attended the Back-to-School BBQ. As always, it was a great kick-off event. Father commented that 10:30 Mass was as vibrant as Christmas Eve. We can’t always offer a BBQ and soccer pictures, but we will continue to aspire to have student Mass attendance like last weekend.

Keep visiting our new website. I encourage you to go to Fast Direct through the website. The more hits our website gets; the higher it gets ranked on Google search. Our Google standing is on the rise. New things are continually being added.

It is not too early to get ready for the annual auction, scheduled for Saturday, November 14th. Donations can be dropped off at the school or parish office. In past years, the auction was bonus money. Any and all donations are desperately needed. If you can help in any way, at any amount of time, talent, or treasure, WE NEED YOU!

We continue to overcome challenges with our new one-to-one chromebook lessons. Our faculty has done a wonderful job at troubleshooting. Ms. Christian and Mrs. Wepking have also been invaluable in squashing all of the internet bugs. Thanks for your patience. Please message your teachers any concerns.

Please remember to sign and return the Family School Agreement. If you have any questions, please contact me. It can be a little confusing.

We have begun our emergency drills this week. We have completed our first tornado, earthquake, and intruder drills. Next week will be our first fire drill.

Kudos to: The school board for another great BBQ
Our soccer coaches for doing a great job instilling the faith through athletics
Matthew Wilde for being inducted into the Order of the Arrow for Boys Scouts

I want to remind all of our soccer players that you may wear the soccer uniform or the soccer clinic shirt on game days only. Students who play football for the Jr. Kahoks are also allowed to wear their uniform on game days or on the Friday before. Kindergarteners may wear their soccer uniforms on Fridays.

Fr. John’s Birthday
Fr. John will celebrate his birthday on Sept. 11th. I will be collecting student donations for a gift for him from the students. You can send the money in an envelope marked Fr. John to the office.

School Service
As part of our student service to the community, we will have food drives throughout the year. Next week, we will be asking for donations of Fruit Cups, Granola bars, and Peanut Butter/Jelly for the SOS Soup Kitchen. These items are placed into lunch bags for a lunch the day after the Soup Kitchen. Students will receive a dress down day pass for a donation. One donation per family will get each student in that family a dress down day pass.

Student Teachers
We are pleased to welcome Miss Amanda Ley and Ms. Kayla Cuthbert from SIU-Edwardsville as student teachers. They have been assigned to Mrs. Bozzardi and Mrs. Wepking. They will observe this semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They will do their practicum next semester. Mrs. Bozzardi will remain responsible for Sacramental Prep in grade 2. They each requested a Catholic school for their student teaching. Please make them feel welcome.

Fr. McGivney Blessing
You are all welcome to attend the blessing for Fr. McGivney HS this Sunday at 2:30. This is the culmination of a lot of hard work by a lot of people.

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