Principal’s Notes

Administrative Professionals Day was this past Wednesday. We are very lucky to have LouAnne and Marianne here in the office. They do so much for our school. They are an important part of the ministry of the school. Special thanks to them for all that they do.

Family fundraising totals will be sent to you after April 30th. Congratulations and thanks to the many families who have met or exceeded their total. If you have a balance left, you can still lower it during May with scrip purchases, Market Day, Target Red Card, and Schnucks. Any balance as of May 31st. will be added to the June tuition bill.

Our increased success in fundraising has allowed us to keep next year’s tuition at the same rate as this year. We are also able to purchase a new Math series for next year, add Chromebooks for grades 6-8, complete our iPad lab for the lower floor, and upgrade our school Wi-Fi. We also replaced our school security system and added cameras.

The final attendance day is Friday, May 15th with early dismissal at 11:15. The school office will start summer hours on Monday, May 18th. The office will be open from 9:00- noon. For any other times, please call 344-5450 and leave a message on voicemail to make an appointment. Someone will contact you ASAP. The office will be closed from June 29 thru July 6th & July 24 thru July 27 for vacations. The office will also be closed on June 5th due to the Parish Picnic.

We will have a May Market Day sale with a pick-up on May 28th. There is also a June sale with pick-up on June 25th.

We currently have 176 students registered for next year. That is a significant drop from last year, partially due to a difference in the graduating 8th grade and the incoming kindergartners. We certainly have room for more Preschool and K-8 students. If you know of any parents with school age children, please pass on the word. If any new family mentions your name and they enroll a student, you will get a $100 tuition credit.

Kudos To
Speech team

Our students and staff for executing emergency procedures as
practiced. (See below for more details.)

Our field trip chaperones for helping the students have a safe and fun trip.

As you know, we had a lockdown initiated by the Collinsville Police Department this past Tuesday. Our students and staff performed exactly as we practice. Our normal lockdown procedure keeps our students in their rooms. We were instructed by the police to evacuate the school. We moved everyone to the church basement.

I wanted to make sure that you understand the notification process. I will send a School Reach message as soon as the situation is rectified. I will send a Fast Direct immediately after that. Anytime you get a call from the school number, please check your voicemail before calling school. Please do not rush up to school until you know the situation is over. You may risk the safety of the students and hinder emergency personnel.

Art Projects
All students have created unique art pieces that are available for you to purchase. The profit is funneled back into the art program. Art materials are very expensive and this sale helps us purchase those materials. Educational studies have shown that art and music are beneficial for every student’s academic development. We are happy to offer these subjects taught by such talented people.

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