Principal’s Notes – August 22 2014

Principal’s Notes – August 22, 2014

Principal NotesThe first full week of school is in the books.  We are moving toward that “normal” school routine.  However, nothing is just normal or ordinary here at SSPP. We have extraordinary students, staff, and parents and it shows every day.

Updates Needed

In order to update our School Reach system, we need your help.  If you have changed or added a phone line for emergency contact, please change it on your Fast Direct page.  Then, contact the office and let us know of the change.  Remember that you can have calls on multiple lines for School Reach messages.

New Website

I hope that you have visited our newly designed website.  I encourage you to go to Fast Direct through the website.  The more hits our website gets; the higher it gets ranked on Google search.  New things are continually being added.  There will be times when it is down and we are adding things almost every day.

Back to School Events

Don’t forget the Back-to-School soccer game this Friday and the BBQ on Sunday after 10:30 Mass.  The students will receive a dress down day pass for each event attended. Watch Fast Direct for any changes due to the heat.

Auction Updates

It is not too early to get ready for the annual auction. Donations can be dropped off at the school or parish office.  Thank you to all who attended last night’s auction meeting.  In past years, the auction was bonus money. This year the auction is necessary money that allowed the school board to adopt a smaller than needed tuition increase.  Any and all donations are desperately needed.  If you can help in any way, at any amount of time, talent, or treasure, WE NEED YOU!

Kudos to:

  • The Trexlers for some very cool athletic banners in the gym.
  • Sam Caputo, CHS Senior and SSPP alumnus, for being selected for the Student Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for the 2014-2015 school year.


Thanks in part to your City Hall messages the city installed a solar Warning Sign at the intersection of Johnson and Morrison.   A city road foreman met with me last Monday and they have plans to install a flashing caution light at our Morrison crosswalk. We are trying everything possible to keep the kids safe.   You can help by following the drop-off/pick-up guidelines.  Please remember that all of our procedures are designed to keep our students safe.

1)    Never drive between school and church no matter what time.  We have students that go out those doors to the church and sometimes they don’t look first.

2)   Do not stop northbound on Morrison and let the kids out.

3)   If you need to walk your students into school or visit the office, you may park to the east of the drop-off lane. You may enter the east doors.  You may always park on the Manning lot and enter through the Morrison doors.

4)   Once you have dropped off the student at the north Morrison gate, you must make a right hand turn.  Use Johnson St. then Center St. to head south.

5)   Students may not exit via the Johnson St. doors for pick-up.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Please review the uniform code, especially sock, shoes, and shorts.  I have noticed some very short shorts.  Students may not wear dress shoes; that includes boat shoes or loafers.  Also, students must always wear socks.  Socks may be knee, calf, or ankle length.  Footies or socks that only cover the toes and sole are not considered socks.  If you can’t see any part of the sock without removing the shoe, it is not allowed.  Picture day and dress down days have special provisions.  If you are unsure, you can always ask the office.

Promoting Proactive Attitudes

The following is an excerpt on Promoting Proactive Attitudes from Today’s Catholic Teacher:

1)    Academic performance includes quizzes, tests, homework, classwork, projects, and participation.  Review work regularly.  Adjust study habits as needed.

2)   Effort represents the degree to which a student comes to class prepared, stays on task, participates in class, cooperates with teacher instruction, copies down assignments, completes assignments neatly and accurately, submits homework on time, and meets deadlines.

3)   Conduct represents the consistency with which students cooperate with teachers, adults, and peers.  Satisfactory conduct is demonstrated by positive attitudes in all areas of school life.

4)   Attendance/ Punctuality affect learning and socialization. Try to schedule routine medical visits after school hours.  Honor the published school calendar when planning vacations.  There is a direct correlation between attendance and class success.

In all ways, show positive support for the school, administrators, teachers, and staff.  Speak positively in front of your children.  If you have a disagreement, schedule a conference to speak in confidence.  Avoid gossip and the temptation to fight another person’s battle.  Turn student whining into a teachable moment. Don’t argue over who is right or wrong.  Say something like, “The teacher has a perception that you acted negatively.  How can you change that?”

That’s it for this week.

-M. Palmer

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